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I am a mother, a grandmother, and a teacher. But whatever happens in my life, I keep sewing. I have worked as a political communicator and now as a teacher in my formal life. I have also written extensively on sewing. I have been a frequent contributor and contributing editor of Threads magazine and the Australian magazine Dressmaking with Stitches. My book Sew.. the garment-making book of knowledge was published in May 2018 and is available for pre-order from Amazon



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Thursday, August 25, 2011

My McCalls 6078 and Vogue 1264 shot

Finally after one of those weeks with a lot happening between me and the camera, I got a shot of the pants of Vogue 1264 and the top of McCalls 6078 together.

Since I am not young, thin, or cool I was wondering how this would all work. You can decide for yourself. You can even tell me, I can take it. The jacket will pull it all together, and yes I wish I could have accessed some rayon knit rather than this polyester for the top, so the top is sort of a wearable muslin.

This whole outfit is super comfortable. The short pants work better than I thought they would. They are actually quite roomy in the thighs without looking baggy. I think I will make these again longer for normal pants sometime.

I have also decided that wool gab is the best fabric for these pants. You really need something with structure and will hold a press (how long has it been since we have pressed in  creases? ) You need a crease too to lengthen these pants and to balance the choppedoffedness (not a word, but I think you know that).

I have used up all my wool gab except some red (when is that son going to move back to the States so I can go visiting fabric shopping?) and I am wondering if red pants are too nuts. I haven't worn red pants since I was about eight, on the don't attract attention to where you are big policy, but I am not sure. Maybe with the same boots and a black tunic. Is this too much for a person over 50? Does it really matter? Does anyone really care? 

Glad the week is almost done. If I don't get some real sewing done again soon, I am not sure what I will do.


Shannon said...

I think you look great in your new outfit - both the top and ht epants are very flattering on you.

Now, as for red pants, I'm not sure I'm sold on the idea - but, hey what do I know? :)

Texan said...

The fit on your pants and top is excellent I think. I like them both.

I for one say go for the red pants. The black top you have would be super with red and a black jacket? Your black shoes as well...I think it would be a sharp outfit. But then again I am not a exactly a fashion plate so my thinking could be way off LOL...

Debbie Cook said...

You are definitely thin and cool so stop that nonsense. I can't help on the age stuff though - lol - but who cares about a number. I think this outfit looks great and I'm putting in a vote for red pants. But if you DO make the red pants, I think I'd make them longer since you'll lose the solid color/straight line effect of black on black on black.

Marie-Noëlle said...

I Like this new for style. I say go for the red pants and follow Debbie's advice concerning the length.

Marie-Noëlle said...

I meant new for you style.

KathyS said...

You look thin and super cool and you are younger than I am so that makes you young too :) The whole outfit is a lovely look. I'm not sure I'd wear red pants but if you like the idea I say go for it!

Barbara said...

Slept on the red pants and lost my nerve. But off to do a good couple of days of sewing - my Style Arc pants pattern arrived yesterday. All these comments are much appreciated, thank you.

SewRuthie said...

Hey you look GOOD!!!!!

SewRuthie said...

Red pants - I have some linen ones and wear them with navy blue and white, they only work for casual and are quite a statement. A friend has red capris and wear hers a lot in the summer. She did say finding tops that would work (ones with bits of red in basically) was the key. Neither of us wear ours with black.

LinB said...

I hope brightly colored pants are not too much for an over-50 woman! I have beside my machine right now three pairs: cherry red, bright royal blue, and chartreuse. But then, I live in the sunny South, where bright colors don't frighten children or spook the livestock. I like the proportion of your new trews with the boots. Enjoy your visit with your son.

shams said...

I'm late to the comment party but you do look great. I would lengthen the pants, though. Even the black ones seem a tad short. But the overall look is great and supports my theory that looking great can be just as comfy as sweats. :)

Have fun with your Style Arc patterns!

Audrey said...

I agree with the other commenters that you look wonderful in these two pieces. I am over 50 and am thinking about red pants myself. Right now I am collecting pictures of them from fashion magazines so I have some ideas on how to style them when I get around to making them.

Martha said...

You do look fabulous. How would the pants look with a ballet slipper? I like the whole outfit, but do think longer might be better. I too have a pair of red pants in my head. Soon I may actually cut them out. I like Audrey's idea of collecting pictures of red pants to see what looks right.