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I am a mother, a grandmother, and a teacher. But whatever happens in my life, I keep sewing. I have worked as a political communicator and now as a teacher in my formal life. I have also written extensively on sewing. I have been a frequent contributor and contributing editor of Threads magazine and the Australian magazine Dressmaking with Stitches. My book Sew.. the garment-making book of knowledge was published in May 2018 and is available for pre-order from Amazon



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Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Last day of August and executive decisions

Today was the day. 

The day when I got up and could smell autumn in the air. Not that it wasn't a nice day, it was warm and sunny- but it was thin good weather - you could feel the cold behind it waiting, and coming out once it got dark.

I am a teacher's daughter and I teach now myself. September has always been the start of the year for me and I hope I never lose that "Back to school" feel although I am so happy not to be caught up in school supply shopping anymore. 

So finishing things up, I tried to get going on that old Vogue 1264 jacket again but could feel my heart just wasn't in it.

Maybe it was the cool new patterns that arrived today from my last BVM indiscretion. As likely it's because there isn't anything unexpected about this mandarin collar, boxy jacket. I know more or less how this, and things like this, will turn out. 

There isn't that crazy thrill of going to the bathroom mirror and opening your eyes and not knowing if you look like a princess or a complete idiot until that moment, because you haven't made anything like this before.

There isn't the intrigue of interesting construction or new techniques that make you stop and think.

This has become production sewing for me and I feel rushed to do something before the cold moves in closer, rushed to do something with more unpredictability, more risk.

I think this jacket will be fine but the process is holding me back.

Which brings me to this:

About 40% of the work on this jacket is on two vertical welt pockets with the old pleather (read can't press) welts. I am reading this 40% as time, and so I decided today to get this baby into the Out basket and to dispense with the pockets.

I don't know how you feel about pockets but I often don't put them in. That's why I carry a purse. You will notice that the model in this picture is doing a lot of standing around waiting with her hands in her pockets and I don't get to do much of that. In an outdoor jacket maybe, but not in an inside jacket like this.

Probably I should make these pockets but I can tell you I wouldn't use them. Not like the days when I had a phone set on vibrate with me all the time (even under my pillow at night - never work for a politician).

O.K. these pockets look kind of nice but are too much trouble for me today. Back to school on Wednesday and I have to keep moving. I am finishing this jacket up tomorrow if I have to cancel all other useful activities. 

Ever have a project like that? Every dropped a detail because you just didn't care that much?


sdBev said...

Fascinating! I'm just beginning to put together fabric for the very same jacket. I'm using black silk matka with corduroy accents. None of the pleather stuff for me. So yeah, if I don't like a detail, I don't do it.

Karin said...

Sounds sensible to me! With little kids, I always need pockets, so I wouldn't drop them. But if my life were more serene, I might!

LinB said...

I adore pockets, and often add them when they don't appear on the pattern. Have you ever played with hanging pockets? They're like a tiny little purse that you can't misplace. But, yes, in the interest of speed sewing, I leave them off (out?) sometimes. And then I find myself rubbing my hands over the place where the pocket should be, like a bad actress in a local theater production, who just can't figure out what to do with her hands.