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I am a mother, a grandmother, and a teacher. But whatever happens in my life, I keep sewing. I have worked as a political communicator and now as a teacher in my formal life. I have also written extensively on sewing. I have been a frequent contributor and contributing editor of Threads magazine and the Australian magazine Dressmaking with Stitches. My book Sew.. the garment-making book of knowledge was published in May 2018 and is available for pre-order from Amazon



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Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Picking up where we left off

Debbie Cook over at Stitches and Seams said a few posts ago that she is doing exercise dvds. 

The exercise thing is tough because let's face it who wouldn't rather be sewing?

But I must confess I have myself got into the dvd thing. In fact it would be safe to say that if it's in the  $5.00 bin at the grocery store I have it. I am in fact a connoisseur of moves I can't make. The privacy of my sewing room is where I do my exercises - a place I like to be in anyway with no prying eyes to see what I can do to the New York City ballet warm up.

Be clear though I am only doing this to be stronger and less creaky, my knees are losing it. I have no interest in back problems or being slowed down etc. I have a lot going on. Also I have no interest in losing one pound or one inch. I have the fitting issues for this body figured out and that's that.

Anyway I had a bright idea the other day and that was what-ever-happened to Margaret Richards? You know from PBS Body Electric? When I had little kids I used to tape those VHSs - Nancy Zeiman and Body Electric, although I used to tape Nancy over Margaret a lot. She was good, those exercises were hard, I was so sore the next day.

So I went online and there she still is and I ordered in this DVD, which cost more than $5.00 but I was feeling nostalgic.

Now I have to tell you Margaret no longer looks exactly as illustrated. I find it strangely comforting, once I had adjusted to the fact that she hadn't stayed in the box looking exactly the same for 20 years waiting for me, to see her body has gone middle-aged too, although I would say she now has to be in her 60s. I am seeing those inner thigh things, bigger upper arms and mostly the famous expanding waist you get. I figure if she bought a 12 she would be grading it up to a 18 at the midriff. 

Her music is different, one of her songs is actually about a child growing up, not the same disco stuff. She even has a quirky blog on her site where among other things she shares her knitting. She says do these exercises, go for a walk, and make sure you rest and relax. This I can do.


The thing is her exercises are still terrific. You use weights (got these at the grocery store too) and she is about being stronger and my god to do this all the time she has to be. I can hardly move this week everything is so sore, and that would be everywhere.

And I have found it so much nicer to be working out with someone who looks like me, which I can't really say about those folks at the New York City Ballet.


NZ said...

Body Electric, that brings back memories. I thought, "It can't be 20 years ago that I taped her shows with our first VCR." But oh my gosh, it is...and that brought on a hot flash! LOL Thanks for posting this. I'm going to look for her latest DVD.

Dinah said...

I love Body Electric! Our local PBS station still carries her early in the morning and I DVR it and keep them to work out with. I started working out with Margaret's show when my daughter was born - 27 years ago! Many years ago she did tours, advertised thru the PBS station, and I went to work out with her when she came to our town. OMG. It was a little over one hour, and I had landed in the front row as the room filled up fast from the back to front. So I HAD to do every repetition - she was watching! By the time I left, I could hardly move. Squats, lunges, leg lifts - she did them all and lots of them. The problem was I drove a stick-shift vehicle and could barely lift my quivering, jelly-filled left leg to push in the clutch to get home, lol.

Great post.


Debbie Cook said...

Correction - Debbie Cook is WAITING for her ordered exercise DVD to arrive. And dreading it. ;-)

Thanks for this recommendation, though. It looks to be about my speed. I've never liked disco aerobics and prefer weights and toning to all-out killing myself. ;-)

knitmachinequeen (KMQ) said...

Before my 54 year old knees gave out I exercised with video nearly every day and lost a considerable amount of weight. As soon as my knee is feeling better I'll be dong the same.

a little sewing said...

I have been using Netflix, and getting lots of variety (does it work the same in Canada?) Very cost effective!!

The great thing about yoga, and I take this VERY seriously, is when they tell you to relax at the end of the workout. Because relaxation is a very important part of yoga practice. I can get behind that concept!