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I am a mother, a grandmother, and a teacher. But whatever happens in my life, I keep sewing. I have worked as a political communicator and now as a teacher in my formal life. I have also written extensively on sewing. I have been a frequent contributor and contributing editor of Threads magazine and the Australian magazine Dressmaking with Stitches. My book Sew.. the garment-making book of knowledge was published in May 2018 and is available for pre-order from Amazon



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Sunday, June 19, 2011

Simplicity 2477

OK brace yourself. This is one of those things you are not supposed to do on the internet. Post embarrassing pictures of yourself.

But I have revisited Simplicity 2477 and moved the waist up higher and added more to the centre front. What I have been aiming for is a pair of everyday pants with a slimmer leg that I can wear with tops over it.   

Of course these aren't perfect, but I think this is very important to remember as you work on pants fitting, neither am I. I have a belly and a big butt. No pair of pants no matter how well I fit them, is going to make that change.

So that said here are some pants that are comfortable and are pretty close to what I was aiming for. I am happy. I must say that I am a lot happier with the waist moved up and laughed when my 25 year old son said how hip I was to have pants that went all the way to my waist. 

Now here's the pictures:


SewRuthie said...

Look pretty good to me!
I remember when pants were at the waist, it was a lot more comfortable for me in those days.
Ruthie :-)

KC said...

Wait, I thought the whole point of a sewing blog was to post embarrassing pictures of myself on the internet! However, nothing to be embarrassed about here--the pants look good, especially in the first picture!

Belinda said...

They look great! I think you have the fit just right. I'm working on pants fit too. I too, have a butt and a tummy.

NuJoi said...

I think they look very nice!

Martha said...

They DO look great! And, hey, where's the belly? the butt? You must have forgotten to post those pictures. These pictures show a hip woman of a certain age and grace.

Barbara said...

You are very kind, and Martha please feel free to say nice things about my figure on this blog at any time.

Of course I will wear these with a top over them, but other sewers like to see the original, I know I do.

velosews said...

When a younger person calls you hip, then you are hip. That's such a great compliment to receive. Enjoy the pants.

Marie-Noƫlle said...

Great looking pants. They fit you perfectly.

KathyS said...

I think they look great. Sometimes it's harder to fit a belly and no butt. At least you have something to stop them sliding down.I get sick of hitching mine up :)