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I am a mother, a grandmother, and a teacher. But whatever happens in my life, I keep sewing. I have worked as a political communicator and now as a teacher in my formal life. I have also written extensively on sewing. I have been a frequent contributor and contributing editor of Threads magazine and the Australian magazine Dressmaking with Stitches. My book Sew.. the garment-making book of knowledge was published in May 2018 and is available for pre-order from Amazon



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Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Podcast : Wardrobe planning

And here we go:

Podcast two: wardrobe planning


Barb said...

Hi Barbara, Just enjoyed your podcast so much, I felt like we were just chatting, which is very comfortable. Many good points made, and yes I agree with you about your 3 steps. Sensible and meets both immediate and future needs. Looking forward to your next 'chat'.

Barb McGovern

jirons42 said...

Loved this podcast. I'm one of those who sew whatever without a plan and surely need to give this subject more thought.

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed so very much. Wonderful! Please continue.
Gilly in uk

Laceflower said...

Everything came together for me when I discovered the colours that worked and didn't work for me. Suddenly everything went with every thing else colourwise. I love the idea of a swap wardrobe but could never find 5 coordinating fabrics for the different parts of the wardrobe. I usually make eclectic, statement tops and then see I need a pair of slacks to go with it, which is usually a basic so as not to fight with the stunning top! I also make stand alone outfits that don't play well with others in my closet. The problem with that is they are memorable and it's hard to keep track of 'did I or didn't I wear this to dinner with these people last time?'
I need more fortitude to get rid of me-made clothing that doesn't work for me anymore but it is SO HARD. I applaud your grit in goodwilling your Liberty blouse.
Yesterday I decided I need better 'around the house' clothing and not just stuff I can't bring myself to get rid of but won't wear it out of the house things.
le sigh, it's a struggle. Does Daisy wear any statement pieces? Have a great time in NY, I'm green.

Kathie said...

Greetings, Barbara! Just finished listening to your podcast. I even took a whole page of notes and wrote "notes to self" about steps I could take to better coordinate the things in my closet. In the past two years I have made three passes through my closets and many, many pieces have made their way to the thrift stores. I currently have two colors of coordinating fabrics and am just about ready to match them up with patterns and have at it! I still need at least one more fabric to "go with" the sage green fabrics. Who knew it would be so hard to find good ones?

Maybe a day trip to NYC is what I need to find that perfect third piece of fabric? If you're serious about a lunch meet up, let me know the days you're free and I will see how that might work for me (kmaggierose at AOL dot com).


Ginger said...

Thank you for the podcast. I enjoyed your thoughts on wardrobe planning.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, I enjoyed your podcast very much. You have a great sense of humor and I appreciate hearing your perspective on sewing and even more on life.