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About me

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I am a mother, a grandmother, and a teacher. But whatever happens in my life, I keep sewing. I have worked as a political communicator and now as a teacher in my formal life. I have also written extensively on sewing. I have been a frequent contributor and contributing editor of Threads magazine and the Australian magazine Dressmaking with Stitches. My book Sew.. the garment-making book of knowledge was published in May 2018 and is available for pre-order from Amazon



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Sunday, April 19, 2015

Multi-tasking update

Yes I know I have been a lousy blogger. 

Truth is the last year has been exceptionally busy and I have taken what they call some me time since my last class of the term ended at the beginning of the month.

When I go home life picks up the pace again, and I figured if I felt I needed this break I did.

Of course my idea of a break has been to do something different rather than nothing at all. 

My days involve golf with my husband, a long beach walk, maybe a bike ride and about four Daisy walks. I have also been doing illustrated below, note the multi-tasking - canning some mango chutney (I am working on my own recipe) and crochet.

I actually find crochet more fun than knitting but maybe that's because it's faster and because I am learning something new. Pretty much I can sew anything I decide to do and can figure out most knitting but that's not the same as trying to understand something different, which I find energizing.

Here is what all this looks like in an RV:

I think it is safe to say I am turning into one of those women who just get nuttier as they get older, and apparently at top speed.

You know I also do some political commentary on the radio, this week it has been talking about the budget. I am always glad listeners can't see who is speaking, or what else is going on around them. One of the great virtues of radio.

On the sewing front I am ramping up for the wedding sewing and spending a small fortune ordering in the wrong fabric. I will be able to open my own special occasion store when all this is through. It all started with a sales lady at G Street who convinced me that beaded lace with a sort of shocking pink undertone (which attracted me like a moth to the flame even though I am committed to an outfit in merlot) would look great over the right colour of wine dupioni. Sort of an add some sparkle idea.

The thing is the right shade of dupioni (which either I am spelling wrong or spell check doesn't sew) is pretty hard to come by if you are doing your shopping from an RV with some help from the nice man at UPS. Plan B is if the latest shipment from Mood isn't it I am going down to Winn Dixie and buying some wine coloured dye when I certainly will become the only woman dyeing beaded lace this week in the park.

On a more encouraging note, and I haven't checked the horoscope yet, it appears the stars have aligned and Vogue actually spit up the exact pattern I need for the girlfriend's dress, the light purple one posted a while ago. Here it is:

I was considering doing my regular uncharitable review of the new releases (see picture at the beginning of this post, I certainly am well-qualified as a fashion maven, right up there with my qualifications as radio personality), focussing on those that appear to be made out of napkins from some hotel dinner dance event, but I have decided to give them a break this time around since they have saved my life with this one.

Thank you Vogue.


Anonymous said...

How can we hear your radio commentary about the budget?
Will you share your recipe for mango chutney? It's a fave of mine and I'm always looking for a good one.
Have fun with the dye pot!
Vancouver Barbara

Sox said...

"...the only woman dyeing beaded lace this week in the park" must mean it's not a very lively park and you are doing them a favour!
I aim to grow nuttier as I grow older so I am glad you are paving the way. Success on your multiple endeavours.

a little sewing said...

I was about to say I am living a parallel life to yours, when I realized I am not living in a RV and ... oh you lucky thing!

What is parallel is the way I also purchased sparkly fabric from G Street and then changed my mind. Oops. I still like what I bought, but I got the idea it was too "black tie" when that wasn't the vibe I really wanted. Because I have approximately zero occasions to wear black tie, I think I just made my stash a bit fancier.

Barbara, if there is anything I can do to help you with your fabric, by all means, shoot me an email. I'd be happy to visit Michaels or G Street, send swatches or unload my mistake fabric onto you.

Julie Culshaw said...

I have some wine satin back crepe and also wine taffeta that can be yours for the asking, from someone who also bought the wrong fabric for a wedding.

SuzieB said...

The Vogue pattern is perfect! In the post-wedding lull, maybe you can also make a mini version of that pattern. Very cute & 60's retro-