
Sewing with less stress Front

Sewing with less stress Front
My newest sewing book

Sewing with less stress back cover

Sewing with less stress back cover
What my new book is about

Clothesmaking mavens

Clothesmaking mavens
Listen to me on the clothes making mavens podcasts

About me

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I am a mother, a grandmother, and a teacher. But whatever happens in my life, I keep sewing. I have worked as a political communicator and now as a teacher in my formal life. I have also written extensively on sewing. I have been a frequent contributor and contributing editor of Threads magazine and the Australian magazine Dressmaking with Stitches. My book Sew.. the garment-making book of knowledge was published in May 2018 and is available for pre-order from Amazon



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Monday, November 28, 2011

Restorative therapy

I am heading into my last week of classes and exams. I have had a good term and great students, but we have pretty much worn each other right out.

So I am lining up some restorative therapy for myself. 

I know some women go to a spa and get wrapped up and steamed when they need restoring.

I did that once with my friend when we were at a convention in Vegas. We went to the day spa at the Hilton and ended up hysterical with the giggles the whole time because we, a couple of girls from Nova Scotia, had traveled all the way to the desert to get wrapped in seaweed. Made complete fools of ourselves in serious company so after we went out and had our fortunes told and then took our good pores out for Japanese food.

Off topic.

OK, some women go to a spa, or buy a nice bottle of wine and light candles. Not doing that because my husband has left me a case of his pretty-good homemade wine. 

And those candles. 

Do you ever wonder about those movies where they are in rooms  or around bathtubs and there are about 400 candles already lit? 

I mean usually it's some beautiful single mother entertaining Matthew McConaughey, and she has put her two year old to bed and she still has time to light all these candles before dinner. 

Or it's Meg Ryan or somebody in a bath recovering from her sleazy husband's affair soaking away in a gorgeous bath with at least 500 candles in different sizes all lit around her bathroom. 

You know just before the day where she shows someone her dress, this old thing I threw together, and they offer her a job as a head designer for Dior. So there sleazy husband.

OK, all I want to know is who lit all those candles? A single mother with a two year old? A woman who 20 minutes ago discovered she is dead broke and there never was pension fund after all

How long do you think it takes them to light all those candles? 

Who puts them out? 

Where are they stored between crises or romantic evenings?

Under the sink? I want to know. The back of the linen closet? Down the basement? 

Would you ask Matthew McConaughey to hold the two year old while you went down to the basement and got out all those candles from the shelf next to the Christmas decorations and that wreath that is mostly now only strands of glue gun glue and a few wobbly pine cones?

And don't they worry about fires?

On topic.

So this is why I am not soaking in bath surrounded by candles (and the combination of hot water and my husband's aged a full two week wine is probably not good for my blood pressure) and why I am not at a spa.

So instead I am restoring my soul with what I know will work for me when this week is over. This just arrived from Amazon:

And Saturday I am treating myself to a full day bra-making workshop.

It couldn't get any better than that.


gwensews said...

You are such a riot! My thought is, who is washing all those walls down after the soot left behind burning the 500 candles? The sleazy husband's girlfriend who is their maid?

Jane M said...

Ah yes, the obligatory candle scene, product placement at its very best. Have fun reading the new book. I have the older one but of course this new one is tempting me, too.

Anna Christina said...

This book is first on my Christmas list. You have me intrigued about the bra-making. I hope I get it!

Bunny said...

Yes, I'd ask Mathew to hold the baby. I'd ask Matthew anything. I'd even give him the answer to anything.

Savor your book.

Banaghaisge said...

And why don't all those candles do serious things with the smoke alarm? My alarms work on a)temperature, b) flickery lights, and c) smoke. So they went stupid when I had the Christmas tree lights on one year and it was also weirdly humid, as well as being 40*C (I am in Oz, we don't have snow at Christmas!), stupid bloody smoke alarms. Bet they would do their thing if I had a hottie coming over and I had lit 200 candles, too.
I have got that gorgeous book by my bed, you will have a lovely time with it!
Hugs, xxx

Mary said...

OMG, you are so funny-the candles are such a trite element of those scenes. And the bubble bath! I'd have to Ajax the damn tub clean first because it would have a ring of grime and some leg hairs stuck in there. Enjoy the book, and the bra making.

Rose said...

You are a hoot! Light a candle for me if you figure out the logistics!! Enjoy the book reading!

Texan said...

So take that lovely new book to the tub with a glass of wine and light a few candles. :O)

SueC56 said...

You definitely know how to enjoy yourself!

Amy said...

So funny, so true! I have to dust and swipe out the dead spiders from my whirlpool tub every few years when I take a bath! And I WANT THAT BOOK!!!