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I am a mother, a grandmother, and a teacher. But whatever happens in my life, I keep sewing. I have worked as a political communicator and now as a teacher in my formal life. I have also written extensively on sewing. I have been a frequent contributor and contributing editor of Threads magazine and the Australian magazine Dressmaking with Stitches. My book Sew.. the garment-making book of knowledge was published in May 2018 and is available for pre-order from Amazon



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Saturday, August 13, 2011

Vogue 1261 : revisited

Can you stand it?

I am doing this a lot these days, do a pattern once, figure it out and do it again to see if I can improve it. I have realized that most of the time this entails going back and making a FBA so I guess the message is that I should do that in version one.  I really don't enjoy the FBA process and love, love those cup multi-sized patterns that do it for me. 

And some times I go back and add to the waist, too.

What's with the waistline? It's not something I am doing, I can tell you, apart from not starving myself which I am dispositionally unable to do anyway. Sometimes I feel like my middle is sort of like one of those tubes of Pillsbury dough once you cut the cardboard - you know how it sort of expands before your eyes.

O.K. let's move on to things that are more interesting to the general public.

I had another round of 1261 with a FBA (my easy method cut from shoulder and split down through the bust point) and construction wise I serged in the sleeves, nothing exposed, cover-hemmed the collar and ran a row of cover-stitching around the hemline but left it raw from there down. I figure this was sort of the hem look the original probably had.

Here is version 2:

The hem looks sort of raggedy but that's one of those modern things you have to get used to, just like you have to get used to not everything matching as in white pants, turquoise shoes, white and turquoise patterned top, turquoise earrings and necklace, white purse with turquoise trim. Go out of the house like that and your daughter will just say "Mooooom" at you and suggest you just skip to the chase and have the year you were born tatooed across your forehead which you can't really do because you aren't that cool.

The point of the cut hem of course is that it really allows the knit to hang very nicely. I am sure that the points of this top would get too pointy if I had cover-hemmed them too. Better to save that machine for a structured shape.

Here are some detail shots:

The hem of this top, if it gets too raveled I can still just hem it
In and outside of the collar
I really like this top now I have done like this and am torn if I should use up two more pieces of sweater knit on it, or wait and see what else the pattern gods bring me. It is always a real dilemma. Do you keep making something you like and use up good fabric, but then get bored with wearing the exact same thing in the same but only different colour fabric, or wait.

What would you do?

On another note I want to share with you something I did for my anniversary a few days ago. We went out for a very nice meal of course, and I found a great pop-out card, but frankly getting a man an anniversary present is not an easy thing. 

The silk pajamas last time were not such a hit, he said they made him nervous, and stuck with his Tennessee Vols shirt and the red plaid pants with the Golden Retrievers on them that he bought when I wasn't there to protect him from himself. 

So this year I got one of those roll on letter things and put this on the bulkhead over the stove where he spends most of his spare time:

I figured it was appropriate and he loved it. Of course I had to tell him to look up. A friend of mine had her husband's name tatooed on her ankle and it took him two months to notice, which kind of killed the romance. 

The part I don't get is how she contained herself for two months.

Off for dinner and tomorrow on to the next project.


Bunny said...

Love your wall tattoo! So appropriate!

a little sewing said...

Barbara, my waist does the same thing! You described it perfectly.

If you like the pattern (I love this, btw) go ahead and sew it again. I mean, this is just me. I am sure many people would be very bored to wear the same pattern, but when I find a style I like, I enjoy wearing it and it makes my life easier to have plenty of clothes I like.

I guess it takes a lot to bore me (sartorially speaking).
I am very tough that way.

shams said...

My waist is exactly the same!

I love that wall art you did for your hubbie. So nice!

I read several fashion/styling blogs, and the one thing I see over and over, is contempt of "matchy matchy". It's up there with the mullet. It's hard to break out of "matchy matchy" since we were brought up that way, but I'm trying!

Eugenia said...

I have to do an FBA for pretty much everything and I can tell you that once you start to do it routinely it does get easier and quicker to do. However, like you, I do love the patterns that do it for you. Your top looks lovely - personally I think that when you find a good looking top pattern like this it's ok to make lots of them!

Jodie said...

Love your wall art/anniversary gift idea. My/our anniversary is right after Christmas and I've a husband who buys what he likes when he wants it. Makes gift buying difficult.
As for sewing patterns again (and again). I'm with "a little sewing", once I've worked out all the tweaks and fit issues, I don't necessarily want to start over with something new, especially if I like it. I have a collection of3 or 4 knit tops that I like and am hopefully going to work out a pair of pants. I had one person that I worked with notice that the pattern/design was the same even though the fabric was different. I say go for it - you like the top, why not?!

NuJoi said...

I love your top! Thanks for the play-by-plays. I've decided that it's beyond my skill level.

Dixie said...

I'm considering using this pattern, and your comments here are very helpful. Love your sense of humor! The anniversary gift is perfect. So is the fact you needed to point it out to him. Reminds me of an anniversary back in my early 40s, when we returned home after dinner, and I stripped down to *nothing* except a pair of killer navy suede heels. I walked into the bathroom, stood beside him as he brushed his teeth, and he said, "Why are you so tall?", looked down and continued, "Oh. You have heels on." End of story. Last time I tried that one.

Barbara said...

Dixie this is the best anniversary story ever! Thanks for sharing.