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I am a mother, a grandmother, and a teacher. But whatever happens in my life, I keep sewing. I have worked as a political communicator and now as a teacher in my formal life. I have also written extensively on sewing. I have been a frequent contributor and contributing editor of Threads magazine and the Australian magazine Dressmaking with Stitches. My book Sew.. the garment-making book of knowledge was published in May 2018 and is available for pre-order from Amazon



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Monday, August 15, 2011

Thinking through Vogue 1264

I cut out the pattern pieces last night for Vogue 1264 after a busy weekend when I was out most of both days. It all looks good but I discovered I am a little short in both the black wool crepe and gabardine I was going to use to make it.

The question is do I really need the fabric to match as in a pants suit? I think probably yes, and so I am going to see what I can do for a match. Fabricmart still has the same gab I think but not the crepe. I am not sure if crepe is a good choice in narrow pants. I can see it in wide pants but I am wondering if in these they will catch, and I will have to line them even though that's not in the pattern. And the big question is will they be comfortable?

I am also thinking through these pants they are very much above the ankle and I think it looks great in the picture but I am never going to wear those shoes. At work I run up and down a lot of concrete stairs between classes in a hurry and often stand on my feet teaching for four hours straight. Plus the fact I usually walk to work, part of it through a field, very pretty but not good for elegant shoes, although I can wear other shoes and change them. The point is my feet have to move.

Also if I am going to make wool pants of any kind they are going to get worn in Nova Scotia and that means bare ankles are not going to work. What would go with these pants? The old flats and socks are not going to cut it. Some kind of boot I think although I don't have a picture in my mind.

These are all very serious questions and you know what's going to be going on in the rich inner life of my mind today at work.

I will let you know how the fabric hunt goes.


Bunny said...

I love the look of that length pant with little black flats, very Audrey Hepburn. Higher heels are rarely in my shoe vocabulary and I style for flats most of the time. I think it would look great with a cool flat.

Jodie said...

I agree, typically a narrow/ankle length pant is worn with a narrow/flat shoe (a la Hepburn). Can you where boots to walk to work and then change your shoes? My "work" shoes are usually a loafer/flat of some kind that I can make work with pants and also with skirts/tights as well.
Good luck!

LinB said...

Agree with Jodie about work shoes. I live in central NC, so cold is a short-lived problem. I never wear boots, so am not qualified to comment on them! I'd make the pants longer, wear with a laced-up oxford or a driving moc. Something modish, yet sensible for walking. And about the shifting waistline: I finally gave in to the wisdom of older women and now wear elastic-waisted slacks and skirts. Heavy sigh.

Audrey said...

I am not quite ready to make this pattern myself as it is quite warm where I live. But when studying it the other day, I had some of the same thoughts as you. Crepe is recommended for the jacket, Gaberdine for the pants. I wonder if I have similar color "black" crepe and gabardine fabrics in my stash. The length of the pants reminded me of being riduculed for wearing "flood pants" in high school, but the styling suggestions of the other commenters make sense. And I wondered where my black leather scraps were. I have some time to look for them. In the mean time I am looking forward to seeing your finished jacket.