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I am a mother, a grandmother, and a teacher. But whatever happens in my life, I keep sewing. I have worked as a political communicator and now as a teacher in my formal life. I have also written extensively on sewing. I have been a frequent contributor and contributing editor of Threads magazine and the Australian magazine Dressmaking with Stitches. My book Sew.. the garment-making book of knowledge was published in May 2018 and is available for pre-order from Amazon



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Thursday, June 11, 2020

Flypaper thoughts: June in Nova Scotia edition

  • Of the things I am grateful most for this pandemic season
  • At the top of the list has to be the neighbourhood animals
  • The two orange cats who run our street
  • I think they have a schedule
  • They take turns circling the houses
  • Coming to the back doors and staring into the kitchen
  • Confusing Daisy
  • The white cat with three legs who doesn't move aside for anyone
  • And Bailey
  • The young Golden
  • My dippy 89 year old neighbour bought for his wife after her twin spaniels died
  • Nice thought but not if you need a walker
  • So the neighbourhood is bring Bailey up
  • A most walked dog anyway
  • And the new puppy next door
  • The cheerful conventions being held on that lawn
  • Social distanced appreciation of that much joy
  • Six people cheering when he pees outside
  • Such a good boy
  • I am also doing a lot of Greek cooking
  • A lot
  • Have planted the backyard with more herbs
  • Going through a lot of mint, oregano, and dill
  • I think plants like people move towards the light
  • Need this kind of time to appreciate that
  • Also appreciate my neighbour behind me
  • She runs and she gardens
  • All day she gardens 
  • After she runs
  • She raised three successful boys
  • While her husband worked 30 years of double shifts
  • She didn't garden, or run, until that job was done
  • I look out my kitchen window and enjoy the view 
  • And her enjoyment
  • All her hard work gives me flowers to share
  • I have to get silver polish
  • I am letting the kids have tea out of my grandmother's teapot and in her teacups
  • This must be what she was saving them for in her china cabinet
  • Dusted and behind glass
  • Now on my back deck
  • I am assuming they still carry silver polish at the grocery store
  • Haven't checked that since 1972
  • My mother was big on polishing the silver
  • When company was coming you had to either do that or clean the bathrooms
  • I am old enough now to have had a father who used to say he didn't need a dishwasher because he had five
  • Four daughters and a wife
  • So happy to know that my kids would never believe he said things like that
  • Don't remember him doing the silver either
  • These weeks it seems to me to be a time that we clean out our cultural attics
  • Just because you don't use something now doesn't mean it isn't being stored
  • There should be a curbside pickup day for wrong assumptions
  • And old crap you used to hear
  • Yesterday the car stopped at the drugstore and I went in and took a box of semipermanent off the shelf
  • The kids thought it was a great idea
  • And after I was redder the oldest cut my hair on the deck
  • She's 10 and knows what she is doing
  • I was interested to hear all her opinions and views on hair cutting
  • You learn a lot on the head of an American girl doll
  • If you have been stressing about what to put on my eventual tombstone
  • Can I suggest
  • Anything for a laugh?
  • I should add
  • That the same father typed out my honours thesis on a tiny Royal typewriter
  • With a return and ribbon
  • Down in the basement late at night after work
  • Undoubtedly there was no curbside pickup in his day
  • Times were changing
  • Even then


Margaret said...

Priceless usual!
So enjoy your posts,

Elle said...

This is everything. Your best yet. Thank you.

Janet said...

Met a great professional dog walker in Point Pleasant Park in Halifax. The co name is Braveheart Dog Services. Great Web site.

sallygardens said...

❤️ I always love the flypaper thoughts; this one, I love extra.

Sarah Wale said...

Yet again, you've nailed it! I do so look forward to your blogs and feel I really know you and your family. Love the photo of the kids enjoying their 'elegant' tea party!
Stay happy, stay strong and stay well.

Rachael K said...

Hi Barbara, I think the ‘lazy’ way to polish silver is something like this: aluminum foil and baking soda in a pan with hot water, dip or soak the silver in it. Supposedly it is an amazing transformation to remove the tarnish. The recipe is from memory, so it’s probably best to google it to make sure. Cheers and happy summering!

Sheila in SC said...

Love the neighborhood animals. I totally get new interests when the husband retires.What a fun tea party. How about a pic of the new color and cut? Many of us have interesting cuts done by others.

runlexlou said...

Your comment on cleaning out our cultural attics is so spot on. what a brilliant analogy.

Kansas Sky said...

Oh, my dear cyber friend. How you have blessed the day with these words. I'm going to search for things in my mind/heart to put out for the trash truck. Some real clearing out. And . . . when the grandson comes next week, we're going to rummage through that china cupboard and look for treasure. What a terrific idea. All our grandmothers are smiling at you!

Erika said...

This is gorgeous. Thank you so much!