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I am a mother, a grandmother, and a teacher. But whatever happens in my life, I keep sewing. I have worked as a political communicator and now as a teacher in my formal life. I have also written extensively on sewing. I have been a frequent contributor and contributing editor of Threads magazine and the Australian magazine Dressmaking with Stitches. My book Sew.. the garment-making book of knowledge was published in May 2018 and is available for pre-order from Amazon



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Sunday, November 25, 2018

Flypaper thoughts mysteries of life editon

  • There are still a few things I have yet to figure out
  • Like what a dog is looking for when they spend 20 minutes circling around to find a place to pee
  • It's 11:00 at night, a person is in her nightgown out in the yard and it's raining
  • And still this production takes 20 minutes
  • Sometimes you think that's it and they almost squat and then stop
  • No not quite right
  • All this delicacy from folks who eat paper napkins no problem
  • Or the tops of pens that fall on the floor
  • And even guys like my daughter's retriever 
  • Who recently ate entire an pineapple including the green part
  • And never even burped
  • I would also really like to know why when your top stitching around a neckline 
  • Goes wobbly for just a little 1/2" it is always more or less at centre front
  • I mean when was the last time that your topstitching went off course and it happened say under your armpit or at the back of the neck
  • I am still looking for this hands up
  • Nobody?
  • Always right in the middle at eye level
  • Am I right?
  • Only a month to Christmas
  • A holiday I love
  • Because I more or less like any kind of holiday
  • I like to celebrate
  • I had an aunt by marriage who understood this
  • Named Auntie Bonnie but that was not her real name
  • But she was well-know as a bonnie type by Scottish relatives
  • Anyway when I knew her she was past her heyday which apparently involved something about white gloves and dances with airmen at the beach
  • When I see her image now it was when I knew her and her stockings were rolled down below her knees
  • But that's not the point
  • Auntie Bonnie was famous for saying
  • "You have to have some jazz band dancing in life"
  • I think she was completely right
  • None of us should ever miss out on our jazz band dancing opportunities
  • The rest can wait
  • Which is why I like Christmas
  • Except for one part
  • There is one thing about Christmas that I really hate
  • And that is that you can never find the end of the sticky tape once you lose it
  • And if you do and scratch at it for about ten minutes
  • All you are going to get is a wide bit that quickly tapers into a thin strip
  • That is completely useless when you are under the wrapping gun
  • And puts you back to where you started
  • I am getting ready to bake
  • Remember fruit cake
  • Who knows anyone who is not at least 80 and male who likes fruitcake these days
  • I am beginning to suspect that having hair in your ears is a pre-requisite for an appreciation of candied fruit baked in a cake
  • Which reminds me
  • Out at dinner the other week my husband remarked that he figured he was pretty hot for a man of his age
  • And he had definite evidence
  • Looking around the dining room that was at the golf club and fairly specific demographically speaking
  • Since we were eating at about 5:30 on a Sunday night
  • He said to me "Look at these guys. I am the only one here without hair in my ears."
  • "That pretty rare for a guy my age, pretty proud about that."
  • Hold me back
  • But seriously what is more irresistible than a man who can make you laugh
  • All the time


bbarna said...

Awesome...I am 61, female and love fruit cake. I make my own with home candied peel and dried sour cherries picked off of a friend's tree. I dehydrate them in the summer and use them to bake my cakes in October.
Barb from Prince George.

Sox said...

I also love fruit cake-50s female from Winnipeg!

Shauna said...

I am in my late thirties and bake a light AND dark fruitcake every year! Still have to bake the dark one yet. Never added sour cherries like Barb above mentioned, but should as I have my own sour cherry trees! I give small cakes away, only to those I know love them!!(of whom are actually not eighty and male!) My husband and I and some of our kids love it too! I enjoy your blog, not usually much of a commenter but totally got your rumpus room post, spent lots of time in my Gma’s in S’toon. Congratulations on the new precious grandbaby!
-a friend in northern Alberta

Lenelein said...

Hi Barbara, your dog might have trouble aligning with the earth's magnetic field:

I'm only half kidding! ;)

Leslie said...

I, too, am a 61 year old female and I love fruit cake. It is my job to make it every year. It isn’t the MOST popular dessert at Christmas dinner, but my mother (80),my sister and brother-in-law (59 and 60) and I love it enough for a crowd!

Mary said...

So true to all the above. And a good laugh, too.

We had a very discriminating Doberman who loved paper towels--cleaned herself from the inside out, I guess--as they often 'reappeared' in one piece out the other end. On the other hand, we returned home one night to find an apple pie on the floor. Still in the pie plate and appeared, as we had left it on the counter, that only one slice was removed. Until you noticed the pie crust was now flat. The Dobie had used her tongue to remove all of the apple filling. Evidently, the pie crust was not up to her standards.

Summer Flies said...

You make me laugh! Always, always, always in the front. I made a rashie on the weekend and coverstitched the hem.. pulled a thread in the pool and the front third.. right in the middle came out. Oh brother! I then came home let it dry and restitched that part... of course I used the twin thread on the inside not the outside. Lucky no one gets close enough to notice.

Summer Flies said...

Oh, I don't eat fruit cake. Never did.

MaryEllen said...

Just the smiles I needed for today -

Lynn said...

68 in California. I love fruitcake. You can't find it anymore.

annie said...

A guy who makes you laugh, all the time, is TOTALLY hot. After 58 years, it's the laughter that has kept us going. That and a 3 mile daily walk. Can't speak to the benefits of fruit cake.

Kay said...

I came here to comment on fruitcake, but I have to say Mary's doberman made me laugh out loud. Dogs are such puzzling and entertaining animals! Except, of course, at 11:00 PM in the rain.

I made a fruitcake with dried fruit instead of candied this year. Apparently, based on my google results (search terms Christmas+Brandy+Cake), that's the traditional British fruitcake. My older son & wife are coming down for Christmas this year so I asked if they like it. He says it's wonderful with marzipan. So the cake is baked and marinating, and I will be trying my hand at marzipan this year too I guess. It is supposed to have royal frosting as well, but my teeth hurt just thinking about that so ours will only have marzipan, and that only as decorations, not a whole coating. How bad could anything be, soaked in brandy and topped with almond-y goodness?

Cheryl Rivenbark said...

I get told that my Darling is quite the catch (by him) His reasoning is- He has all his hair and teeth, a good retirement check and a second career going. I remind him that he was caught 36 years ago and going to stay that way.

Judith Newman said...

I have a simple solution to the tape problem - masking tape, scotch tape, double-sided tape, washi tape, any kind of tape whatsoever. You know those little plastic thingies on the end of the loaf of bread - SAVE THEM - and stick one under the end of the roll of tape! As easy as that. You can always find the tape end because you have this little piece of plastic stuck there.

Becky R. said...

I have concluded that one of my dogs has a built-in GPS. It must be the correct coordinates based on the day/hour before he can go. Yes, in the rain, cold, sleet and depth of night, the GPS rules.

I am 67, and I love fruitcake, always have. For anyone who wants a lovely fruit cake, the brothers at Assumption Abbey make a mean one.

My top stitching goes wonky in any place it pleases.

I don't think any relationship can survive without humor, but a marriage is dead in the water without an occasional laugh together.

Missgrace said...

I am 69 and love fruitcake. I always have. The BEST fruitcake I have ever had is "Southern Supreme" from Bear Creek, NC. It is delicious and they ship.

/anne... said...

Fruit cake is still popular in Australia - from the way Americans describe fruit cake, I think they don't know how to make it properly. A good one is made 2-3 months out, and fed regularly with rum, brandy or something similar.

Accordion3 said...

I'm under 80 (by a lot) and not male, and I also love baking and eating fruit cake. I make both light and dark cakes, making several of each for Christmas presents each year.

My kids prefer the dark cake and like all sophisticated fruit cake eaters they like it with a thin slice of a good sharp cheddar cheese.

heieup said...

Gosh I’m 38 and I love fruit cake. Always have

KS_Sews (Dressmakingbacles) said...

"All this delicacy from folks who eat paper napkins no problem"

I have never eaten fruit cake and never considered it as an edible food item. I thought they were just something people gift because it's nice...I didn't think people actually ATE them! LOL!

The ears sprout hair and they manage to get 2x bigger than they were. Mysteries of life...

Anne said...

62, female and still love fruit cake.
Mary's doberman made me laugh out loud as well.

Anne from Victoria, BC

Diane said...

Tip for the tape - get yourself a weighted desk tape dispenser love it �� love fruit cake always have but sadly my husband (who also thinks he’s pretty hot) loathes it