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Sewing with less stress Front
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What my new book is about

Clothesmaking mavens

Clothesmaking mavens
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About me

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I am a mother, a grandmother, and a teacher. But whatever happens in my life, I keep sewing. I have worked as a political communicator and now as a teacher in my formal life. I have also written extensively on sewing. I have been a frequent contributor and contributing editor of Threads magazine and the Australian magazine Dressmaking with Stitches. My book Sew.. the garment-making book of knowledge was published in May 2018 and is available for pre-order from Amazon



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Sunday, April 29, 2018

Flypaper thoughts, random Sunday night edition

Miss Scarlett, seated, and the neighbour from next door figuring out a project

Mr. Billy surrounded by sewing girls wanted a job. We disengaged the clutch and took out the needle and let him clean the machine with Q tips. He did very well but got whiny at the end "I want to oil the machine. Why can't I oil the machine? Heidi was allowed to oil a machine." etc.

  • So this was the weekend
  • Son-in-law turned 40 and they celebrated with an East Coast party
  • Which means all kids had a sleepover at Babsie's
  • Folks elected to sleep on air mattresses on the floor beside the beds ready for them
  • Because it was a sleepover
  • And ate Poppa Leo's "the good chicken" for dinner
  • And dug out their own ice cream
  • Arguing over portions so long
  • That it melted on the counter
  • But only one cried about that
  • Not me
  • Next morning we sewed and brought in the girl from next door too
  • Taking over the entire basement with tables and sewing machines has been helpful
  • Random week
  • I am in Jalie's pattern testing group 
  • Been working on the set that is to be released shortly
  • What I can tell you now is that these are technically very clever patterns
  • I am seeing ways of putting things together that are totally new to me
  • I enjoy new construction ideas pretty much more than anything else in this world
  • Just under the pleasure of a long talk on the phone with a far away child
  • Or watching little people who love to sew
  • Back to the patterns
  • Very wearable and different garments than last year's releases
  • Fun to work on something in advance
  • Got to get my skates on this week though
  • Silk arriving for those 7 ties for one son's company
  • Been a hold up at the printer getting the fabric
  • Sometimes I really shouldn't say how hard can it be
  • Because sometimes it is
  • Miss Daisy has only 5 weeks of "cage rest" to go
  • She is feeling better 
  • This means she is trying to vault out of the cage
  • Or get me to spring her with dirty looks aimed at my direction
  • It hurts me more than it hurts you makes about as much sense to a dog and it did to kids
  • Which is zilch
  • Have you been to Portland?
  • I am going there the later part of May to Quilt Market
  • The publisher wants the new authors there to present
  • And sit on a chair as scheduled and sign books
  • I think I am going to have to practice my signature
  • Like you used to in high school testing out boy's last names with yours
  • Did you ever do that?
  • Completely meaningless activity
  • Anyway no one can read my writing
  • And that would include me
  • How many times have I been called from the grocery store
  • "It says 'toes' do you really mean that?"
  • "Tomatoes"
  • "sedw"?
  • "Shredded Wheat"
  • "Ll"
  • Lemons and limes"
  • Question for you
  • When was the last time anyone was taught shorthand?
  • Or took a class in it?
  • Or even said the word out loud?
  • Or knew what it meant?
  • Now there was a skill
  • Not one I ever had
  • When I saw it reminded me of the feeling
  • Of finding something in the back of your mother's drawer
  • That made no sense to you 
  • But gave you a definite feeling that adults understood what it meant
  • Vet has given us a consult to a dog acupuncturist/physio
  • I am hiding this from my daughter who is a human medical person
  • And who says strange things like
  • It's a dog mom
  • And rolls her eyes
  • When I say I would do the same for you
  • Listen if they didn't want me to treat the dog like my child then they should never have left home
  • Let's be clear about this
  • Do you think I am too old to wear a yellow bathing suit?
  • How about a yellow bathing suit with turquoise parrots on it?
  • I am asking you so I don't need to ask my daughter
  • Not sure about her judgement right now


Moosiemoose said...

Absolutely you can wear a yellow swimsuit with anything, well maybe not anything, but certainly parrots on it. And you are correct about your beautiful little Daisy. You will do what you need to do. Save your daughter for the human medical questions. Love your blog. Jean

Lyndle said...

You would rock the yellow bathing suit. With parrots. I can’t wait!

Patricia said...

I love this post! You should definitely have a yellow bathing suit with turquoise parrots, and when you find one, I want one too. I learnt shorthand back in the 60s, used it at work for years. These days it is useful for writing any note to self I don't want anyone else to read. Like in a shopping list: bread, milk, (shorthand bit about birthday gift) apples.... Also good for venting stuff on paper, also not to be read. By anyone. Never stop blogging :)

tmd said...

Is wearing a yellow bathing suit something you’re likely to do? Don’t see that age is relevant to the question. Twenty years ago I learned shorthand along with how to use a stenography machine. I don’t use either skill now—dead boring. Glad you’re home and life is back to normal.

Summer Flies said...

You make me laugh! I'm with Patricia... yes to the togs (bathing suit), did shorthand in the '70's.. my teacher said 'you'll think in shorthand' and at times I still do. Love the kiddos sewing.. so cute. The new patterns sound interesting!

Momadams said...

Didn't get to take shorthand; had to fight to take typing because I was on a "college prep" track. Don't know who they thought was going to type my papers...
Our favorite cartoon quote is "I got the milk and eggs, but they were out of gerbils".
Which Portland?

Jean Shaw said...

wait, you'll be in Portland? Dang; I'll be out of town then. But you will have a great time.

Barbara said...

Yup, I will be in Portland Oregon from May 17- leaving on the 20th, and in Winnipeg visiting my mom May 12-16.

Vancouver Barbara said...

Portland, OR. You lucky thang. One of my favourite cities ever. Powell's Bookstore. The main one is a whole city block!!! With really smart people. Wonderful fabric stores and restaurants. Plus it's such a nice sized city. Smallish and walkable. I hope you'll give yourself a couple of extra days to explore.
As for the bathing suit – go for it.
Good to know Daisy's on the mend.
Love that the kids are wanting to sew and be around machines. Bodes well.
Pittman shorthand – a wonderful system learned in the 60s but now mostly forgotten. Very pretty to look at.

Momadams said...

Do you want fabric suggestions? My friend Kay knows it all. I was there a few weeks ago and hit up my old standby, Mill End, and was disappointed, but that was the Beaverton store. Perhaps the Milwaukee one would be more exciting since it's larger. And it's near the Pendleton store.
I enjoy visits to Portland, 3 1/2 hrs from me, but prefer to hang out in Central Oregon until I need an ocean fix.

If you ever have time to venture further sfield, I know some great little shops in Anacortes, Whidbey Island, Depot Bay, and Eugene.

ElleC said...

Absolutely you can wear and look fabulous in a yellow bathing suit, with or without parrots.

I would love to be able to come and see you in Portland, but I don't think that it is to be.

I have taken several dogs to a Chiropractor over the years (and have been mocked by friends and family), and they have all responded very well. The first dog I took growled all through the first treatment, and the next time he was so happy to be there, he was wagging and flirting with the Chiropractor, he loved it and it solved all his back issues. Nothing else could. My husband thought I was nuts, as did most of my friends, but you can't argue with success. I'm sure Daisy will feel better with acupuncture treatments too.

Anonymous said...

Joining the gang in favor of yellow swim suits with parrots. And perhaps a nice aqua hat? Excellent news about Ms. D's back, and how lucky to get a specialized referral! I have used that exact line with my kids - if you didn't want me to spoil the dog you shouldn't have moved out.


Lori said...

Regarding the swimsuit and treatments for Daisy, go for it!

Regarding shorthand, I took it in high school back in 1986 but it was fading at that time. I loved the challenge of it. I wish I had kept up with it but I only remember bits and pieces. When I graduated high school, I started working at a local law firm and the two oldest partners would call me in to dictate short correspondence. I don't think any of it mattered but I they were nostalgic for the time when they could summon their "gal" into the office and have their full attention. The same partners would invite 1-2 gals for a glass of wine in their conference room on Friday afternoons. As the rare 18 year old newbie who knew shorthand, I was a regular invitee. It was creepy even back then ...

Sox said...

One is never too old to wear a yellow bathing suite with turquoise parrots. Unless one looks like they have jaundice when they wear yellow; then they should wear turquoise with yellow parrots!

Leigh said...

I'm in Portland!! Dinner? Lunch? Coffee? Fabric shopping? Want to talk to my chapter of American Sewing Guild about your book? Maybe sell some? I can probably get it arranged, though short notice. Would LOVE to meet you. :) Look at me go all fan-girl.

Barbara said...

Leigh would be great to meet up, why don’t you email me

Barbara said...

Wrong email, missed a key on the phone ...