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I am a mother, a grandmother, and a teacher. But whatever happens in my life, I keep sewing. I have worked as a political communicator and now as a teacher in my formal life. I have also written extensively on sewing. I have been a frequent contributor and contributing editor of Threads magazine and the Australian magazine Dressmaking with Stitches. My book Sew.. the garment-making book of knowledge was published in May 2018 and is available for pre-order from Amazon



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Saturday, July 1, 2017

Insta T shirt with experimental neckline

I am in need of some of the most basic of  T-shirts for my summer. I will be taking care of the kids 2 and sometimes 3 days a week in addition to my teaching. I am planning on doing a fair bit of running around and a lot of it outside.

It's good for me to be so busy. I am in the process of getting my head around one son relocated to San Francisco and one to Austin Texas, and although I am very pleased for them - both moves represent great promotions- as a mother situated here in Nova Scotia I am still taking in that this is what the family now looks like. I am finding hanging out with younger children and a toddler very therapeutic while I reconfigure my life a bit. 

Of course sewing is my most grounding activity.

Which brings me back to T-shirts. Since I am in the mood for quick and positive results I have pulled out Jalie's Dolman top which of course also has a sleeveless sort of cap sleeved version.

I whipped this one up pretty fast in some cotton single knit I had lying around.

As you all know single knit really curls to the right side so feeling reckless I played around with the neckline a bit.

I cut the neckband and rather than folding it in half instead I  stitched it single layer to the inside of the neck, right side of fabric to wrong side, flipped it to the right side, and zig zagged it down letting the raw edge just hang out about 1/4" past this top-stitching.

Of course this raw edge rolls into the neckline and to my optimistic eye looks sort of like piping if your standards are fairly fluid:

I am pretty pleased with this since I usually don't sew this randomly, as in raw edges.

Here's the full shot of the T-shirt. A very nice simple summer pattern:


Sheila said...

Great colour,looks really good with neckline sitting well.

annie said...

The one child to whom I was closest, a son, 4 years ago moved a 24 hour drive from me. It was also a great move for him. That was an adjustment. And I got there. But my life is different. Pink shirts do a lot for a person's spirits, especially if that person has made the shirt!

Anonymous said...

Children moving challenges.......I know exactly what you mean! Thank goodness for air travel! Hope Miss D is continuing her recovery? The pink shirt is terrific, and I need to try that neckline treatment.


Anonymous said...

That looks terrific. Neckline finish a great idea. I will try that too.

Ria in a very cold....Melbourne Oz.

Marg in Alberta said...

This t-shirt is a winner for sure, and I like the more interesting neck finish!

Abbey sews said...

What a lovely shirt. Will have to try the pattern. Hope you had a great Canada Day

Summer Flies said...

I'm pretty fluid with my standards and I think it looks great. I always like the curled, raw edges.

Catherine Daze said...

I think the finish looks nice. I've seen this done on RTW!

PsychicSewerKathleen said...

Very much on trend that neckline! Love it and that colour WOW!

SuzieB said...

Love the shirt and this color on you!
Every youngish person I know loves Austin, TX
Hope your son's experience is the same

Carol in Denver said...

Very pretty shirt, and it looks great on you.

When a beloved child moves far away, and money resources are very limited, that may mean the disintegration of a family. If you can fly to your far-away children, think of offering a prayer of thanks.

Phylly said...

Lovely shirt. I need to make some of those for my new retired life.

There are so many ways to stay close to family that is across the world from us in this day and age. Skype is great. I text, email and phone my brothers to stay close to them. We have been spread all over the country for years, but still we stay close. Not the same as being together, but almost.
Hugs, Phylly

Marianne said...

I have one adult child away, and one nearby so I feel for you. My heart always hurts a little bit, especially during comings and goings. But, DH and I did the same, moved far away from our parents. And, our parents did the same. So, we all modeled independence for the next generation, the freedom to move to where you need to move to follow your dream.

I am so thankful for modern methods of communication. Skype or Facetime is not as satisfying as an in-person visit, but it's pretty good. Our family has been apart like this for nearly 20 years and we remain close, as close as we would be if we lived nearer each other. I think the distance and the extra effort it takes to spend time together might even help us to treasure each other more intentionally.