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I am a mother, a grandmother, and a teacher. But whatever happens in my life, I keep sewing. I have worked as a political communicator and now as a teacher in my formal life. I have also written extensively on sewing. I have been a frequent contributor and contributing editor of Threads magazine and the Australian magazine Dressmaking with Stitches. My book Sew.. the garment-making book of knowledge was published in May 2018 and is available for pre-order from Amazon



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Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Flypaper thoughts emergency sewing division

  • Miss Daisy had a small benign thing removed yesterday from her belly
  • Despite my best efforts and a $35 cone she has ripped her stitches out
  • My vet is in Iceland with my middle son at a friend's bachelor party
  • Don't ask
  • The wedding is in September in Monte Negro
  • You know that one of their friends took his girlfriend to Europe to propose
  • He changed his mind and mailed the engagement ring back for his mom to deal with
  • Mailed it in a sock
  • Back to Daisy
  • Went to the covering vet today who is about 95
  • He told me that dogs in the wild have wounds and no stitches and not to worry
  • My niece who has done a term of nursing and is a genius says it is too open
  • We tried to close it ourselves with steri strips
  • Booked in to see someone else tomorrow
  • In the meantime I am in bed with a dog with an open wound who is trying to get at it
  • Stupid collar cone thing might as well be in Iceland for all the good it is doing me
  • So jumped out of bed and cut up some of the husband's underwear
  • He is out of town
  • Needs new ones anyway
  • Serged it down to Daisy width and sewed the inseam by hand while it was on her to get a good fit
  • Fruit of the loom dog shorts
  • Kneeling on my bed with a needle and thread
  • Student of mine from Newfoundland said she had a friend who sewed so well 
  • She could sew the ass on a cat
  • Well not the only one
  • Publisher said I should do sewing videos
  • You tube here we come
  • Have made a dress and a cardigan this week I love
  • When we get Daisy's seam done I will post pictures
  • Thank goodness rhubarb is in season now
  • You can't beat a nice rhubarb crisp in times of crisis
  • Off I go to the fridge


badmomgoodmom said...

I use Camtasia for the Mac (also available for PC) to make my YouTube tutorial videos for work. It's on sale right now with code SUMMER17 .

The everyday educational price might be better than the sale price.

No affiliation with them but the program is easy to use and a time saver.

Hope Daisy heals quickly.

bbarna said...

Rhubarb crisp with vanilla yogurt- yum! Sounds like an interesting use of your sewing skills. Hope Daisy recovers soon.

Angela said...

Love your blog,thank you for starting my day with such a giggle!

Brenda said...

Miss Daisy can be a handful! Clever solution to make a sleeve to cover the wound. We got a soft collar that worked, but each dog is different. Best luck!

Anonymous said...

Poor little thing - hope all is better soon. We call rhubarb 'crisp', rhubarb crumble over here. The rhubarb I am growing looks very colourful at present. I had so much I gave some to 'Food is Free' and collected some quinces for making paste. Sam the Aussie

Kathie said...

Once again you made me snort/giggle/laugh out loud! Please don't ever stop.

Orymonster said...

It's probably too late now since it sounds like you've found a solution, but the very purple person blog just posted a tutorial for making post surgical clothes for kittens or puppies that might work in this situation. I hope Miss Daisy is feeling better!

Susan C said...

But, but what about the poor would be fiancé? Did they break up? Did she kill him for getting her hopes and then not following through? Because you know she knew that's why she was invited! He absolutely did the right thing if he changed his mind but that doesn't mean she's happy about it!

Dogs in the wild don't get to see vets, now do they? That's why they have open wounds. Sheesh! Hope daisy is feeeling better.

Mary Helen said...

When my cat had surgery and wouldn't leave the stitches alone, I put castor oil on it with a q-tip. She left it alone after that. Hopefully, the second vet will be more helpful.

Sydney Brown said...

Your flypaper thoughts are always priceless! Thank you.

Robyn said...

When my dog had a huge rip in her side, the vet wouldn't see her on Sunday. We live in the sticks. We clipped her together with my Clover Wonderclips. Yet another reason to love them.

And we changed vets.

garnet128 said...

So, where are the pics of Miss Daisy in her new 'outfit'? Kidding! I wish her a speedy recovery. I know what a pain it is dealing with their boo-boo's. I have one with allergies that affect her skin and trying to keep her from chewing is frustrating.

Seattle Sews said...

I love your humor. Don't stop. The humor or the posting!

Anonymous said...

Wait, the covering vet compared Miss D to a wild animal and declined to help her? That's absolutely criminal! On the other hand, the post-surgical underpants sound ingenious.


AJW said...

Cannot wait for the video on using Fruit of the Looms for doggie straightjackets.

AlaskaBerninaGirl said...

You're killing me Smalls! Aside from worrying about your dear dog, this is so funny! Whenever our dogs must use the cone I use duct tape on the cone to keep them from being able to take it apart. Moreover, those poor wild animals out in the forest, who is removing their benign tumors and leaving them gaping wide open? I do hope your fears are quickly laid to rest though and that Daisy is soon on the mend.

Leigh said...

Oh my goodness. The mental picture of Daisy in Underpants. So funny. Sorry you're having to go through that. A few sutures wouldn't have gone awry - what is wrong with that vet??? Good you're seeing another. Hope she heals up quick.

theresa said...

Oh my heavens! Daisy in underpants. The resident cat, queen of the menagerie, disappeared for a day and a half just before we took off for a family funeral back east. The morning we left she's at the back door, just as we are leaving, limping and squalling. The friend who was taking care of the animals got a 5 am call to say, "here's the vet's number, money is in the desk drawer and please keep us posted." She's seeing the vet tomorrow as she's got a decent size hole on a hind leg. I may be trying your solution if the cone the vet will likely give us turns out to be a problem.
Theresa in Tucson

Anonymous said...

Poor Daisy. Have you tried one of those donut collars? It's like a round foamie donut that's worn over the collar - i think it works a little more effectively than the plastic vortex - more comfortable too, and just thick enough they can't reach over.