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I am a mother, a grandmother, and a teacher. But whatever happens in my life, I keep sewing. I have worked as a political communicator and now as a teacher in my formal life. I have also written extensively on sewing. I have been a frequent contributor and contributing editor of Threads magazine and the Australian magazine Dressmaking with Stitches. My book Sew.. the garment-making book of knowledge was published in May 2018 and is available for pre-order from Amazon



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Monday, May 5, 2014

Quick summer dress

Thank you so much for all the supportive comments. Much appreciated. I heard at the shelter that puppy mill moms are the most difficult dogs to take in - all they know is being in a cage, the puppies at least get to leave. They are generally fearful and poorly socialized.

So far Miss Daisy is exceeding expectations as they say in the big world. She is apparently making up, mile by mile, for all the time outside she never had before and is excellent on our long walks, social and gentle with every person and dog we meet. She doesn't know how to play yet (we have a couple of fun dogs at home in the family who will help with that) and had no clue what stairs were. She follows me around one step behind me all day and sleeps happily with us all night.

The only incident we had was when we went out to golf, the first time we had left her, and she chewed a hole in her beautiful nylon traveling crate. We got a shock when we came home and she was not in there, until we found her upstairs in the bedroom sitting beside a pair of my shoes. Point taken, enough being caged up for this lifetime.

Here is the latest picture, the ears are coming up:

Now I realize too that this is meant to be a sewing blog and yes I have done some sewing.

Here is the latest version of Brensan Designs KISS dress that goes together so nicely.

I know I always accuse my photographer of taking my picture all slanted over, but seeing this I realize that what is off kilter is me. But so are the trees, so at least we have a theme going. Stretch cotton sateen from Mood, finally sewn up.

This pattern has optional back and front French darts but since I wanted a sort of everyday dress I put in the back darts so it wouldn't look like a sack, but left out the front darts to spare myself the experience of looking down and my belly under the seatbelt in the car and seeing the rolls. It just makes it more comfortable to wear, even though it does reveal the realities of my figure:

I like this pattern so much because it requires zero fitting finesse and because of the cool construction techniques. The best one is the way the top of the back seam is sewn for the first few inches ( you can get the neckline over your head) and then the zipper is inserted. So neat and so much nicer than all that fiddly unsatisfying stuff you usually get at the top of a zipper in a dress:

The facings are bagged so the neckline and armholes are particularly neat, you can find that technique here.

An excellent pattern.


Anonymous said...

I've heard (and experienced) that dogs with a traumatic history are very prone to separation anxiety. The trainer we worked with suggested that for the first few weeks, we leave for short periods of time (Like 30 minutes) and come back. Then extend the time and do irregular intervals. They need to learn that you will come back and they are safe.
Don't know if that helps. We had a dog that was great when I was there but got destructive when left alone. We started with just a few minutes alone. Treats given just as I left also helped.
They've just been left so many times that they "over-attach" - Is that a word??

SEWN said...

Love the new dress! That zipper/neck technique is awesome. I'm gonna try it. If I ever make a dress again.

The Sewing CPA said...

Very nice summer dress.

Unknown said...

My Finn, a springer spaniel rescue dog, had separation anxiety and was very destructive when I left, even for short periods of time...and he wasn't left alone...I have 2 springer's. I told him to be a good boy, I'd be back. That didn't work at all.
About 2 weeks ago I left without saying anything...just picked up my purse and car keys. He (they) watched me leave. When I came home everything was fine. Now I leave without saying anything all the time and so far it's been working.
What works for one dog might not work for another. It's possible after people at the Humane Society walked him, when they put him back in his jail cell, they would give him a pat and tell him to be a good boy...they'd be back. So when he came here and I'd leave telling him something similar...well...not good.

And your dress is pretty!!!

Anonymous said...

I've been trying to figure out a closure for an upcoming blouse and this zipper technique is perfect!

Anonymous said...

I love the technique of the zipper. I am never sure how close the teeth should come to the top, if I need a hook and eye there, the problem with the zipper not always meeting at the top. The dress looks wonderful and the fit is perfect for summer.

I am so glad to hear the pup is adapting to your household. It may be a long road but it will certainly be worth it.

Patty said...

Love this dress on you, and that zipper application is pretty amazing.
Our 14 yr old short haired pointer Toby passed away in Feb, and I'm still trying to get used to walking without him.
We've had two dogs in our 34 yrs of married life, our first lived 17 yrs. We rescued both from the shelter. Both were great dogs!

Anonymous said...

Love the dress! Looks great, and thanks for a new pattern source :)

Kudos to you for adopting a shelter pup. She has a whole new lease on life, thanks to you@

Unknown said...

Hurray for optional fisheye darts! I think that using them only in the back was fine -- no need to lace up your corset in the summer heat. Or to wear some fiendish version of slim-wear. I'm on the same side as you in the game of "comfort vs. realities of my figure nowadays." Summer in Florida is just too hot to worry about niceties. It's too difficult to avoid a heat stroke even in gauzy linens and cottons, much less in rubberized foundation garments. Love the swirls of turquoise through indigo in that fabric.

Anonymous said...

Miss Daisy looks wonderful! She seems to be adapting to her new life quite nicely. She knows she's in a loving home. We rescued a dog last July. He's such a good dog! Only way to go.

And your dress is lovely! I love the way the zipper is installed. I love to read your blogs. They are inspirational and delightful. Thanks for doing this.

Linda said...

Yea for Miss Daisy's new home! Thank you for making a difference.

AJW said...

I love that zipper treatment and I am thrilled that you and your new pup are working out so well.

prttynpnk said...

i love that zipper finish! An adorable pup too!