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I am a mother, a grandmother, and a teacher. But whatever happens in my life, I keep sewing. I have worked as a political communicator and now as a teacher in my formal life. I have also written extensively on sewing. I have been a frequent contributor and contributing editor of Threads magazine and the Australian magazine Dressmaking with Stitches. My book Sew.. the garment-making book of knowledge was published in May 2018 and is available for pre-order from Amazon



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Monday, December 23, 2013

Pre-Christmas thoughts

A couple of things.

First is to those of you who are spending today with your head in a doll's house Modge Podging wall paper. That stuff's a bitch to get out of your hair if you let it set over night.

Secondly there was an op. ed. in the NY Times this morning that really annoyed me. It is here, all about what to do with the rest of your life when you have had your peak. I sort of get the point but.


If you have been given a gift in your life you just spend the rest of your time giving something back to life, according to your talents. There isn't a person alive who can't do something for someone. Even if what you provide is an example of how to get on with the rest of your life. 

That's the deal. That's the deal.

Thirdly some of you may remember that the adult side of my extended family decided, organized by my sister Nancy, to do an emailed exchange this year.

This is the email she sent out a few month's ago that describes the idea:

Well my lovely family it is that time of year again.  

    We all have so much to be thankful for that a purchased gift just doesn't seem right this year. I have come up with a different idea, that I hope you all will be willing to try this year. 

   I would like each and everyone of you to take a few minutes and prepare a special email that will be sent out to everyone on Christmas morning.

    You can write about anything, something about yourself you would like to share. Here are a few examples
Favorite recipe
Some tips on, cleaning, raising kids, managing money, gardening, organizing your day, office and life.
Favorite joke, book or how about your idol and why
What you would do if you won the lottery.
Confess your sins, we won't tell a soul.
 Ask us for advice

 Write about anything, just a little something to keep us all in touch. It doesn't have to be long but make it good!

Prepare it before hand and on Christmas morning... hit send
Don't forget or you will look like and idiot. 

Mine is underway and I have decided to also publish it here on Christmas morning so family who may have trouble accessing the file on say their smart phones can see it.

A little nutty but that may be the point.

Merry Christmas.


Donna W said...


Anonymous said...

Just read the article and I annoyed me also. I don't want to appear sexist but I wonder if a woman would write with a very different point of view.

More importantly, Barb I want to be sure you check Kijij for the sewing machine and dryer for a doll house. I sent you a private email with the details.Don't want you to miss them if you still have room in the doll house.

Merry Christmas. I'm still in the sewing room.

Anonymous said...

Even people who are dying can have a tremendous impact on the lives of others. If not in the courage they exhibit, then in the strength their caregivers may not have thought they had and who are grateful for the opportunity to be a caring and loving presence. I think the author is thinking about grandiose public impacts, not in daily humble acts that really touch us in so many ways. Yes, and I agree with Donna, a woman would have had a much different perspective.

Jane M said...

I too read that op ed and just felt sorry for him, always busy measuring and evaluating. My peak was when I learned how silly that exercise was....either looking back or forward and not participating fully in the now. So having caught up with a friend today who I have not seen iIseveral years and now typing with a warm dog in my lap and Mr. Lucky across the table working a crossword, today is a peak experience. Merry Christmas, I love your family email and may have to copy that sweet, funny idea.

Karen in VA said...

I don't think of my life as having is a journey and all of us have an affect on others, either good or bad. I'm hoping to have mostly a good affect, but don't think of myself of having peaked...or not....

This year my family decided not to buy gifts for the person whose name we picked, but rather to make a donation to the charity of that person's choice...we have so much and so many others have so little...

Cleverclogs said...

Um, I wonder if the philosophy prof had been at the Christmas eggnog as he penned those thoughts? Yeah, not quite the way I'd think about my unbrilliant career, if I bothered to think about it on Christmas eve (Aussie time) instead of focusing on getting the table set for tomorrow's feast. Happy Christmas Barbara and many many thanks for all this year's posts that have made me laugh or weep or reflect or all three at once.