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I am a mother, a grandmother, and a teacher. But whatever happens in my life, I keep sewing. I have worked as a political communicator and now as a teacher in my formal life. I have also written extensively on sewing. I have been a frequent contributor and contributing editor of Threads magazine and the Australian magazine Dressmaking with Stitches. My book Sew.. the garment-making book of knowledge was published in May 2018 and is available for pre-order from Amazon



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Friday, March 29, 2013

My last week in the sort of thawing North

This morning my husband said to me "well I guess you have given up on that blog."

Being totally self-controlled and mature I didn't say much, or at least not what I was thinking.

That might have been great idea to start drywalling, sanding (translate this into a fine layer of dust on everything, the dog, your mascara in the cupboard in the bathroom, the cheese grater in the drawer) and painting the whole house two weeks before we go away.

I am not a fool. 

When a person has been nagging for so long to get something done that she has gone out the other side and actually given up on that whole sighing thing, list making and long speeches about how finishing things is as important as starting (because obviously the only reason the home improvement projects stall is because no one has explained, in great detail, the finishing part) she knows to try to not say that one more thing.

Except to the world wide web.

Which brings me to my pants crisis.

I have been having throat problems all winter, particularly after those days when my first class starts at 8:30 a.m. and the last one ends at 7:00 p.m. Fast forward to the ENT who said I had a throat typical of someone who sings loudly all day and eats late at night.

Well, actually he said I had the same throat as Ozzie Osborne, who he has treated.

I can't make this up. First I am a Keith Richards look alike and now I have the insides of Ozzie Osborne. 

This would get a lesser woman down. What happened to only getting better as I get older like Oprah and Jane Fonda? Guess they're not from around here.

And I actually am lesser.

Following throat friendly instructions, which are now held onto my fridge by magnets of places I wish I was now, complete with stick figures and headlines like "so what is silent reflux anyway?" except it is not silent enough in my case (I actually had a better time with my wonderful GP who just looked at me and said, stop talking Barbara), I have eaten small meals instead of big ones and done nothing by mouth in the 3 hours before bed. No cocoa with the knitting, no ice cream with the husband and Piers Morgan, no Raisin Bran and a library book.

This has been a terrible idea as I have suddenly just lost 10 pounds and as a result my SWAP pants don't fit! All the gabardine, all those invisible zippers, all that pressing and fitting.

Out the window. 

I have of course lost the weight in all the impossible to take in easily places and the way I look in these pants now reminds me of the get-up my late father-in-law would wear when he was off to check on his combo chicken coop greenhouse (not his best idea those were sort of pre-cooked chickens). Old dress pants, pre-heart smart.

I think you can get my drift.

So in addition to having a rocker's throat, drywall dust on my toothbrush, 500 assignments to mark , a house to pack up for two months in Florida, I have had to deal with sewer's angst.

I have decided to let it go and deal with it all when I get back in June. Unless I return from sunnier parts a stronger person this probably means I am going to drive those pants down to the Canadian Tire parking lot at 11:00 at night and drop them into the Diabetes Society clothing collection bin, where the metal drawer clangs shut and you can't stick your arm down into it to pull things back, if you were to experience donator's regret.

Not that anyone I know has ever tried to do that at night in a parking lot, not even knelling on the hood of the car for a better reach.

So that's my update.

I have a sewing machine and a serger packed up ready to go and won't be sewing much in the week left before we leave. That should give me a good clean week to get my job responsibilities stabilized until I am back online teaching the end of April, and should give me a good week to move pieces of fabric in and out of the project to-do box I have allocated myself for the trip.

So far I am spending about two hours a day changing my mind about what I think I will want to sew when I am away. I can't imagine why my marking is behind.

I also have to clean this place up. We have a surfer on a bicycle who is going to be staying here to watch the house when we are away and I have my standards.

I will check in during the next few days, count on it.


annie said...

All that dust can't be doing much for your thoat, as they say in the South. But I get your drift. The job is getting done. Seems as if this refit has been going on for awhile.

Pitch the pants. We've all done it, even those of us who wouldn't admit to it. Rejoice in the fact that you are now a string bean and deserve new pants.

Have a great holiday.

The Hojnackes said...

I hope things only get better from here!
I don't know if this will help you at all- I have reflux and brassica tea has really helped. Might be worth a try if you can find it.

Carolyn (Diary of a Sewing Fanatic) said...

I'm sorry to hear about your throat...however, I wouldn't drive those pants to the donation container just yet...because I would hate to have a repeat of the car/arm/hood situation. Wait until you return from FL and see if the 10 lbs have accompanied you back home.

Have a wonderful time in Florida!

debbie said...

It's a bit of good news bad news thing.

I agree with Carolyn. Keep the pants for now.

Reflux of any kind sucks! I had it years ago and I know how it is. I get the impression you're able to control it by changing you diet which is a good thing. Mine was so bad I was on meds for it. Loosing weight does help. That's how I was able to finally get off the meds.

Anonymous said...

Glad you aren't giving up on the blog - its great to hear from you even in adversity!


Unknown said...

As I say to my husband, as his rant ends, (no matter how apt, funny, wrenching, or a just plain feels so good to vent)...... I know, baby, it sucks to be you. The seething frustration in every word of your post provided a joyous commisseration of connubial and professional maturity, outwardly displayed, while emotionally plotting grievous revenge. Oh, how we all can relate. Well served, madam. With all sincerity,..... I know baby, it sucks to be you.

Margy said...

I've missed your posts..but this one makes up for the missing ones!

Enjoy getting out of the construction zone and living it up in the warmth.

judidarling said...

Let me see. You have a throat perfect for doing a stunning "I vant to be alone," your home will soon be shiny and new, your students actually handed in their homework, you get to lie on warm sand and swim in a summery sea--you poor baby! Wanna trade? I brought my sewing machine and serger with me to Florida and actually used them! Have fun and be well.

RebeccaHoward said...

I always get a laugh out of your posts. I can so relate to the marking. I have just finished 210 papers so everything is off my plate for going on a year 11 camp. Woohoo that is my holiday for the year. The principal couldn't believe it when I said I was looking forward to it! The voice thing. Mmmm. I'm about to attend a voice workshop but am now wondering if I need instead to have 3 small meals and nothing after 7pm. Bother. Sounds tricky but the weightloss sounds good. Sewing- those pesky transportable projects are tricky to decide on. I try to cut stuff out first, then pack them in separate plastic zip files. Appeals to my sense of organisation.