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I am a mother, a grandmother, and a teacher. But whatever happens in my life, I keep sewing. I have worked as a political communicator and now as a teacher in my formal life. I have also written extensively on sewing. I have been a frequent contributor and contributing editor of Threads magazine and the Australian magazine Dressmaking with Stitches. My book Sew.. the garment-making book of knowledge was published in May 2018 and is available for pre-order from Amazon



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Thursday, February 28, 2013

Babs' New York style guide

This is a drive by post as I am once again supposed to be marking. But I have so much I want to blog about so will start in snippets over the next few days.

I had a fabulous time in New York and am really feeling I have parts of that place, the parts that matter to me right now, figured out.

Of course I bought fabric, at interesting places and some new places. When I was at Elliot Berman I even said to them "get me a chair this fabric is so beautiful I am going to have to sit down and cry."

And I meant it.

And they did.

I got my buckles covered at Botani, where they told me next time I should bring in swatches and they will dye buttons to match. 

Imagine that.

They did a real good job on the buckles and how much that cost, well somethings a girl will just have to take to her grave.

Let's say I have eaten out for less.

In New York.

But live experiences are an investment. Particularly the ones you won't be repeating.

OK I have to remember the title to this post.

I made a few high style observations in the big city I need to pass on. After all this is the metropolis where I am sure they were knotting giant scarves around their necks when the rest of us were wearing button earrings.

This is what I saw as the trends:

1. Pants are short. Like above the ankle and narrow (pants not ankles). This means you need a good ankle, boots or booties, or maybe nice socks - fishnet I saw more than sports socks.

2. Handbags over your shoulder are out. Even though they are good for carrying spare shoes, lunches, and dog leashes. You should be bending your arm and carrying your purse like this:

Not a New Yorker but more fashion forward than we all thought.

That's it for tonight.

Some heavy ideas for you all to chew on.


ReadyThreadSew said...

New York is on my "must visit in my lifetime" list, but is unfortunately not on DH's. I enjoy living it vicariously :).

I also believe that most stupid fashions come out of NY - handbags over the arm is one of them - I think it started years ago, but if I can't sling my bag onto my shoulder, out of the way, then I don't want to carry it (and most of the time I don't carry one - I use DH's pockets.).

Lizzie would look silly with a bag on her shoulder - but that doesn't mean the rest of us shouldn't be practical.

LinB said...

So glad you had a good time! Agree with ReadyThreadSew that shoulder bags and cross-body bags are the best sorts of bags. Am finally old enough that I can join the School of It Don't Matter, about fashion trends, at least.

velosews said...

I'll be concentrating on buying hard to find notions too when I'm there later this year. Glad you had a good time again.