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I am a mother, a grandmother, and a teacher. But whatever happens in my life, I keep sewing. I have worked as a political communicator and now as a teacher in my formal life. I have also written extensively on sewing. I have been a frequent contributor and contributing editor of Threads magazine and the Australian magazine Dressmaking with Stitches. My book Sew.. the garment-making book of knowledge was published in May 2018 and is available for pre-order from Amazon



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Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Q and A

The family went home today and I was my predictably dramatic self crying at the end of the driveway as they pulled out.

I will of course see them again in two weeks, but those kids are so damned cute and we had such as good bunch of free time together.

I cried until the fifth hole at least, until some old dog-walking guy with a New York accent yelled at me "Good shot lady, better than the old man."

I felt a whole lot better after that.

Take it from me. If you are going to be a dramatic personality it is really helpful to also not be too deep. In fact it is an essential combination.

Later tonight when my husband is watching yet another hockey game, I think I am going to cut out a couple of Sacha shirts and my recovery should be complete.

In the meantime I thought I would randomly answer questions  you have been leaving here and I haven't answered properly. I think from here on I should start commenting to my own posts as required.

Q: Where are you in Florida?

A: In St. Augustine, Crescent Beach on Anastasia Island to be exact. We just booked April and May here again next year, which is sort of hopeful that we can do more than a month, but a thought. We will be here for another 2 weeks this month.

Q. What was that great consignment store you went to?

A. Chic Side Boutique. I have plans to hit a few other spots this week and will report back.

Q: How do you manage time on the internet?

A: I have designated times, coffee in bed with the email when I am not being jumped on by granddaughters (now I am teary again) and before dinner if my husband is cooking. Pinterest doesn't count. I have an iPad which I love but have a stupid phone (never charge it) as opposed to a smart phone. I figure enough already. When I was working for politicians my Blackberry ran my life, now I sort of figure if people want to talk to me they can find me. They usually do, but not the politicians which is good.

Q: OK, how do you really manage time on the internet?

A: Get hit by lightning. This works. In fact today I did just that. Two minutes before I was due to go online to teach the house was struck by lightning. The lights sort of popped and went out, the router fried and it was pretty loud and light all over my head. I called the tech guy at work at school (for once my cell was charged) and had him alert my students at his end and then I called my husband to come and help me. He was offsite returning the renta-crib but had trouble getting back due to an armed stand-off of some kind and 50 police cars surrounding the place across from the rent-it place.

Eventually he used stuff from his traveling emergency bag of discarded electrical parts and I am online again although I have to get disconnected when the hockey game starts.

Off to press fabric.

Any more Qs fire away and I will A them ASAP.


Far said...

Hi there! :) Your posts always make me smile/chuckle :) I think I'm like your re having a combo of dramatic personality + be not too deep. Sometimes i cry and laugh at the same time too. Annoying when the hubby makes me laugh when i want to indulge in my "sorrows"

Bunny said...

"emergency bag of electical parts" for your Florida vacation. Only you, Barb, only you!

LinB said...

And yet, the discarded electrical parts WERE needed in an emergency. Good to have a spouse who's prepared for anything, lol.