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I am a mother, a grandmother, and a teacher. But whatever happens in my life, I keep sewing. I have worked as a political communicator and now as a teacher in my formal life. I have also written extensively on sewing. I have been a frequent contributor and contributing editor of Threads magazine and the Australian magazine Dressmaking with Stitches. My book Sew.. the garment-making book of knowledge was published in May 2018 and is available for pre-order from Amazon



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Thursday, December 22, 2011

Now on to sewing and flypaper thoughts

  • Only 1.37 of a sock to get knitted and I am done.
  • Would some good knitter tell me how to fix my ssk? My k2tog are neat, my ssks are loose and looked like some pigeon knit them.
  • Last week we got a call from Costco to throw out that Tabouleh.  
  • You know that rare impulse purchase because I am knitting too much to cook.
  • Recalled for Listeria.
  • My son and I ate two tubs.
  • Not fair in a house where we grow our own organic Kale.
  • Looked at each other for signs for three days and then forgot about it.
  • Kale makes you strong. Body and teeth.
  • I have thrown out my rash inducing retinol and am now washing my face in baby oatmeal cereal.
  • In my mind there is a direct line between these events.
  • DIY.
  • Skin's great.
  • Kale helps.
  • I am renting my tablecloths and napkins this year.
  • Thank you Auntie Nancy for the idea.
  • I think I ordered a big package of red bra strap elastic and fasteners last night when I was sleepy.
  • Not sure, I was trying to ssk at the time.
  • There is sure a lot of sewing for self backing up over here.
  • Thank you McCalls for the Spring patterns.
  • Nicer than usual.
  • Going to cook for two days now.
  • I am doing the recipes that say "fast and easy" spouse is doing things that say "complicated and involve ingredients we have never had in this house before."
  • Sent me out of celeriac root and I came back with Japanese Daikon. 
  • This is a large radish.
  • It does not look like celeriac root. 
  • It is however a root.
  • Apparently this is not close enough.
  • Now we are going to have Vietnamese sandwiches on Boxing Day.
  • Calls for Daikon.
  • Since these things are not made in a crock pot I will not be involved.
In closing here are some shots of what my spouse brought to my knitting location for dinner last night. From a recipe from this family friend. Going to miss that man when he goes back to Tennessee. 

At least I have the dogs and the crock pot. And a whole lot of red elastic.


Texan said...

Kale is one of my favorite vegetables, ranking nearly at number one! Yummmmmy. Its so versatile!

I actually finished sewing a top for myself and did a no sew sweatshirt make over on a few sweatshirts. Might not sound like much but for me its major!

annie said...

Always makes me laugh.

Sandra said...

I'm a knitter, and I do my SSK's like this:

slip the first stitch as if to knit. slip the second stitch as if to purl. Insert left hand needle in the front of the two stitches on the right needle and knit the two together.

Let me know if that helps!


a little sewing said...

Kale is good.

LinB said...

I have better luck doing ssk as "knit two together as one, through the back." If k2tog is "knit two together as one, through the front" then my way is the exact opposite. It slants in the opposite direction. It looks so like the other many ssk variations that I can't tell the difference. This method comes more naturally to my fingers, and is at least as quick as k2tog. Happy Christmas and happy knitting!

badmomgoodmom said...

My ssk looks sloppy until after the first wash. Then they don't bother me.

In case YMMV, try rotating only the first (right most) stitch of the ssk. In that case, it is a rotate-k2tog through from the right. That twists the second aka left-most aka behind stitch, which will pull the top most stitch tighter as well.

If you still have the daikon, I post recipes on the CSA blog that I run. There just happens to be a recipe for my mom's daikon soup. I make a big pot and reheat it on subsequent nights, adding noodles to make a 1-pot meal. It leaves more time for knitting and sewing.

Eileensews said...

I'm still in awe of your husband's pizza baking technique.

Bunny said...

Dinner looks wonderful. We'll add Chinese food to the list of wonderful things your hubby can cook. Get back to your knitting needles and just let him rip.

jirons42 said...

Google ssk and you'll get some great instructional videos. I don't know anyone else who knits so these videos have helped me alot. Visual is always good.

KayY said...

I check when looking for instruction. I think their intpstructions say to do ssk as Sandra says.

Happy Christmas to you and yours!