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About me

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I am a mother, a grandmother, and a teacher. But whatever happens in my life, I keep sewing. I have worked as a political communicator and now as a teacher in my formal life. I have also written extensively on sewing. I have been a frequent contributor and contributing editor of Threads magazine and the Australian magazine Dressmaking with Stitches. My book Sew.. the garment-making book of knowledge was published in May 2018 and is available for pre-order from Amazon



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Friday, November 11, 2011

The best laid plans

You know I did some sewing today after all. Interrupted by Another Flood.

I could hardly believe it when the waters started rising in the sewing room floor once again. 

My side of the street has really taken a hit. My next door neighbour has had the remediation folks in there on two separate occasions lately - she has it all torn out and new floors put in and it happens again.

Fortunately for me I live with my remediation crew and lately he has been at home for all events. He had a sump running in the sewing room with a discharge hose running out into the bathtub in the downstairs bathroom. So we got through it alright.

There was nothing much I could do but I felt it would have been in really bad taste to be working on a 50's hostess gown style velour housecoat while he was sweating it out with the pails.

So I only cut out and stopped and then went to work on Christmas presents and made sure I made appreciative noises at the same time. I felt that was more virtuous and expressed my solidarity with someone being so useful.

Maybe better luck on all fronts tomorrow. I am convinced I'll look great walking around the new kitchen in this get up.


annie said...

Well, it is all salvageable I guess but you have been through a lot lately. I admire your sense of humor throughout.

a little sewing said...

another flood? This is awful. I spilled milk in my car and it really smells bad and it probably always will.
There, I hope that made you feel a little better.
No? You are right, a flood is worse.
durn it!!!

Mary said...

Oh, that is just too much! Looks as though your sense of humor is still intact. Good for you...I cannot imagine.