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I am a mother, a grandmother, and a teacher. But whatever happens in my life, I keep sewing. I have worked as a political communicator and now as a teacher in my formal life. I have also written extensively on sewing. I have been a frequent contributor and contributing editor of Threads magazine and the Australian magazine Dressmaking with Stitches. My book Sew.. the garment-making book of knowledge was published in May 2018 and is available for pre-order from Amazon



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Tuesday, October 25, 2011

My internet has been soggy

I feel bad about not posting, something I really enjoy, but conditions have not been ideal around here.

I told you were were gutting/replacing the kitchen, which turned into tearing out most of the ground floor. Well that involved moving everything downstairs.

And then  downstairs went under water.

Along the way we lost internet too - so I have been a person without a sewing room, without internet, and with all her patterns more or less like an old newspaper someone left out in the rain.

I am not complaining (and to those of you who were nice enough to pm me, I haven't been able to get back to you, but will now try to) and in fact I am OK about all of this. Since I am fairly used to chaos, having caused a lot of it my own self in this life I am sure.

The thing is though that when things get too much I generally regroup by going down to my sewing room to look things over  - and well that option is not available to me now.

Here are the pictures:

Birthday flowers from my daughter- so much appreciated in all the mess

When the water is rising you just throw things to high ground - not an ideal work environment at present.

The emergency drainage hole that was put into my sewing room floor, after the floor was taken out in a huge rush and thrown out the window. Noticed DH posted a comment taking issue with my description that this was just a hole in the floor - apparently it is much more than that. He didn't want my readers to think he breaks concrete floors for any other than strategic reasons.

This used to be my downstairs bathroom floor - the water was shooting up this drain like a geyser. 

Enough about me.

On the sewing front I will be making Miss Scarlett her "beautiful pink dog suit" tomorrow night after work on the kitchen counter. 

She needs a lift. 

She has adjusted to the new baby sister very well if you don't count the only wearing one yellow rubber boot and a diaper to eat dinner, the "DON"T LOOK AT ME" comments and the fact she has developed a lisp from trying to talk with a soother in her mouth "JUST LIKE A BABY" even though she never had one when she actually was a baby.

Oh, to be a mother of a two year old again - not sure if all my stories that my daughter, Miss Scarlett's mother, and her brothers, were far, far worse are all that helpful. Grandmothers think things like the boot and the soother are hilarious particularly if they can go home to their nice orderly quiet home to sew.

That is if they had a nice quiet orderly home with an intact sewing room in it.

One last thing.

I have an invite to a black tie thing next week - and I can see my box of fancy fabric - but I can't get at it. I would have to climb over the dehumidifier and two shop vacs to get it and if I slipped I would fall down  the Useful Hole in the Floor. I have fabric in there that has been waiting years for a chance to play Black Tie Bingo (OK it sounded classier before I told you about the Bingo part).

Maybe next year.

But don't for a minute think I am not sewing up marvelous things in my head.


Patty said...

Hang in there! Things will be looking up soon, and your great sense of humor and ability to look at the brighter side of things will pull you through :-)

Susan said...

My heart goes out to you, hang in there it has to get better.

SewRuthie said...

Heck! Quite some uproar. Hang in there hopefully it'll eventually get sorted out and you can sew again. Prob worth telling the sweater people that it's prob not going to happen....

Jane M said...

Oh my gosh, what a PITA. Bravo to you for your resilience and for keeping us up to date. It will seem like forever but one of these days you'll be humming away again in that sewing space. My favorite sermon at church "this too shall pass"....the good as well as the bad.

LinB said...

"Black tie bingo" sounds hilarious. If you can get to your scissors and a big chunk of fancy fabric, cut a hole in the middle for your head and two slits for your arms, and fasten around the middle with a belt. (Not the most elegant ensemble, but no sewing involved.) ((Have been watching too many network television "hints for a happy Halloween, I guess.))

Bunny said...

It sounds like you need to hit the Black Tie Bingo jackpot to rouse up a little good luck. So sorry life is in such a tizzy. It's got to get better. You have much patience. I would be at the motel at this point, with my machine. Good luck, kiddo!

Janine said...

this doesn`t sound good - sorry to hear about the loss of your patterns etc.

Ann Made Studio said...

Oh my..what a shame..I'll go read more recent posts and hope all is better now. If htere is a patten you really liked and it's OOP let me know, I may have a double :)
(a little late on the comment but I'm so behind in my blog reading.)