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About me

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I am a mother, a grandmother, and a teacher. But whatever happens in my life, I keep sewing. I have worked as a political communicator and now as a teacher in my formal life. I have also written extensively on sewing. I have been a frequent contributor and contributing editor of Threads magazine and the Australian magazine Dressmaking with Stitches. My book Sew.. the garment-making book of knowledge was published in May 2018 and is available for pre-order from Amazon



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Friday, October 14, 2011

Flypaper thoughts

Here we go this rainy morning:

  • Sometimes your life is about you, sometimes it's about other people.
  • Good to be who they call.
  • You can still sew in your head.
  • Woke up wanting a plaid skirt, first time I have had this thought since grade seven.
  • Being a good parent is doing yourself out of a job.
  • Someone told me that in a Boston playground 25 years ago.
  • Doubt if my son can take is dog with him when he goes off to the new job in Newfoundland.
  • Will have to choose my moment to ask my husband how he feels about driving to Florida with a barking fox terrier and a Border Collie running in circles in the back seat.
  • Someone has to herd the luggage.
  • Maybe later.
  • After I tell him I have invited my entire family to take turns joining us on vacation.
  • Maybe I space this out.
  • Had a meeting with Successful People yesterday but was late because I ran into students on the steps.
  • Decided the only difference between being young and old is the amount you laugh.
  • Consider this seriously.
  • Facebook makes my head explode.
  • Politicians, relatives, students, and professors all want to be my friends. 
  • My worlds collide.
  • Facebook is no place to push your latest book, article, campaign, or social commentary.
  • See laughing above.
  • All I want to read the BVM posts so I don't miss a garment or a sale.
  • And see baby pictures.
  • If I defriend you don't take it personally.
  • Why do the pattern companies even publish jacket and coat patterns they call "unlined."
  • Who would ever make an unlined wool coat and be happy with it.
  • After they stood up after having sat down.
  • If I didn't need to be warm I wouldn't need a jacket or coat.
  • Why do they give multi-sized and multi-cup patterns but no lining pieces?
  • It is a pain to draft these myself.
  • Why not include the lining pattern pieces and say "If you don't want to add a lining don't use these pieces."
  • I still haven't had my pattern instruction writing job offer come in yet.
  • I want to get up early and go to the market downtown to buy fresh collards.
  • The deal is I can have company if we ride the motorcycle.
  • Seems fair.
  • Where do you start with a student who thinks Wikipedia is an scholarly source and People magazine is a journal?
  • I am letting my hair go grey.
  • The students are helping me with this.
  • I figure if I wear enough lipstick I should be OK.
  • Colleague at work said her hair is a lot thicker since she stopped dyeing.
  • Worth a try.
  • I have to get my knit on if I am going to get even half what I want done by Christmas.
  • Is it possible to knit on the back of a motorcycle.
  • While raking leaves.
  • While doing the dishes.
  • While marking papers.
  • Walking dogs.
  • Plan B is to go to bed early and watch the news.
  • Good thing the US election has these super long campaigns. 


Bunny said...

"Being a good parent is doing yourself out of a job." You have verbalized Rule Number One of Motherhood. Why are so many young people languishing on their mother's couch at 30? Push those boys out of the nest! Now!

Love your thoughts on linings.I sure hope you get that job soon.

Karin said...

I second your thoughts on lining pieces!
Also, I agree that Facebook is becoming a real burden. You have to be constantly vigilant because, if you are not, they keep changing the rules and sharing info for you that you don't want to! I don't want to devote that much of my life to Facebook. If you find an alternative, please let us all know!
By the way, I don't know if you followed my old blog or not, Making the Seam, but just to let you know, I had to delete it. It may or may not have been infected with malware. I set up a new blog. You can find me here: