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I am a mother, a grandmother, and a teacher. But whatever happens in my life, I keep sewing. I have worked as a political communicator and now as a teacher in my formal life. I have also written extensively on sewing. I have been a frequent contributor and contributing editor of Threads magazine and the Australian magazine Dressmaking with Stitches. My book Sew.. the garment-making book of knowledge was published in May 2018 and is available for pre-order from Amazon



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Monday, November 29, 2010

What happened to the weekend

First here is a shot of my first shirt finished except for the buttonholes. Hope to get those and a picture on me taken this week. I really love the shape and find the sleeves nice but not too fussy.

There was a delay in production with the new Friday that my almost 84 year old father-in-law had a heart attack and was in a hospital in a town about an hour away. He is doing fine, amazingly in fact.

He spent last week in the woods by himself, got a deer, butchered it, distributed all the meat to “old people” picked and bottled 25 pounds of apples for pies and then went to bed and had a heart attack. 

He wants to be out of the hospital by next weekend to install a sump pump and says he has to rebuild the landing on the back door of his house (the one he built last year) because as they were wheeling him out he noticed that it was not well-designed for emergency workers and stretchers – says it should be an easy job.

He is in ICU and when I first went in to see him he was chatting away, calling all the nurses Florence Nightingale and telling them he was getting the best care in the world but it was time he went home because he really doesn't have the time to "take a week off."

It actually was a bit of a lift to sit and talk with him. We can't do a thing with him of course, but maybe that's not a bad thing.


Anonymous said...

Best wishes to your father-in-law. He sounds an amazing man.
Your blouse looks lovely, I like the sleeves.

Lori said...

Your blouse looks wonderful. Wishing your father-in-law a speedy recovery, he sounds like an incredible man.

Anonymous said...

You're shirt is looking awesome. I really like the wide sleeves and the details on this pattern.
You father in law sounds a bit like mine. He got a computer for his 80th birthday because he said he had to use the internet because nowadays everybody does and he's cut off from information otherwise. He now is 92 and happily surfing every day, bought himself a digital camera and set it up all by himself, he's mailing us pictures and links to interesting things.
Living a busy and intersting life is what's keeps people alive.

LisaB said...

Barbara, your shirt looks terrific. I'm looking forward to seeing it on you soon.

Wishing a speedy recovery to your father-in-law. He sounds like an amazing person.

a little sewing said...

Your father-in-law is the best! And you have the gift of bringing him to us with your words.
Great shirt, too!

Alethia said...

OMG! My prayers are with you and your family regarding your father-in-law, he sounds like a hoot!
And, congratulations on the near completion of your shirt. :)
I can't wait to complete my first shirt.