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I am a mother, a grandmother, and a teacher. But whatever happens in my life, I keep sewing. I have worked as a political communicator and now as a teacher in my formal life. I have also written extensively on sewing. I have been a frequent contributor and contributing editor of Threads magazine and the Australian magazine Dressmaking with Stitches. My book Sew.. the garment-making book of knowledge was published in May 2018 and is available for pre-order from Amazon



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Sunday, March 29, 2009

This weekend's sewing

In about a week we are off on our much needed road trip to the US. To chill out from demanding jobs and to see a son, sightsee, and of course fabric shop. The itinerary, which my spouse always engineers, does not show a lot of laundromat time, as I think I have said, so I decided this weekend to search the stash and try out an Ottobre T shirt pattern. I took the suggestion made for larger sizes and added an extra 1 1/2" to the front piece for bust ease, gathering this extra up in the side seams about 1/2" below the arm hole. It worked very well and was such a quick fix for the extra bust ease I needed.  Speaking of which these are not glamour shots, my sewing hair and my sewing bra (does anyone else have one of those?) - these pictures remind me why I wear my serious bras in my real life (but oh my kingdom for a comfortable supportive bra - my sister keeps telling me to take the time and get properly fitted so I can achieve both the hoist and comfort - but this is another discussion for another day isn't it?) but forget the hair and the bustline - look at the tops. Since I am taking black and grey pants and skirts with me I am feeling very coordinated with these tops and took enormous pleasure out of making five nice new T shirts all out of comfortable rayon and cottons.

My favourite is the striped top with the black neckline. I am not sure that I didn't have a top just like this when I was in kindergarten. And the sleeveless tank, obviously made from left-overs has a bow in the middle because guess who put the binding on and realized that the join was centre front?

Anyone else ever find that when they make a mistake it is always, always at centre front?


Margie said...

Gosh, wish I could sew like you?
Very nice tops!

Hope you enjoy your trip to the US!


Erin said...

My favorite is the second from the bottom, but they're all fabulous. You did a great job and the bow looks deliberate. Have a fun vacation!

gwensews said...

Wow--what a sewing marathon! Mistakes are always up front and personal! I figure-why put a mistake where no one can see it?

Cennetta said...

Oh Goodness! What a wonderful group of tops. All in one weekend, wow! Hope you have a wonderful vacation in the States.

a little sewing said...

I just love your way of sewing multiples! So efficient and rewarding. I love the prints you chose.

Jenaveve said...

Agreed - the stripey is the fave. I think because it is not as heavy on the black as the others. Second fave is the top shot, complete with the bow hiding the binding join (fabulous fix, it looks great with this!).