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I am a mother, a grandmother, and a teacher. But whatever happens in my life, I keep sewing. I have worked as a political communicator and now as a teacher in my formal life. I have also written extensively on sewing. I have been a frequent contributor and contributing editor of Threads magazine and the Australian magazine Dressmaking with Stitches. My book Sew.. the garment-making book of knowledge was published in May 2018 and is available for pre-order from Amazon



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Saturday, July 27, 2019

How to sew a crossover V neckline video

Hi folks.

I had a request to make a video of how to sew a crossover V neckline so I did just that. Note we are not exactly running Universal Studios over here so probably should have instructed my cameraman to zoom in more, but what can I say? You get what you pay for.

Here is the video.


SheilaM said...

Lovely instructions and many thanks for the video format, I do better seeing and hearing than straight reading, so even though I have the book this would be my preferred way of learning and I am sure there are more like me out there. xxx

sallygardens said...

Thank you! That is very helpful.

Kamchick said...

Your way of teaching inspires confidence, Barbara - will try this on the next V neck - looks wonderful.

Les and Carolyn said...

Thanks for the great video. I love your book, too! I have been trying to sign up for your weekly newsletter but for some reason I am not receiving it. Can you help me with that, please?

The Sewing and Knitting Loft said...

Thank you so much!

Barbara said...

Les and Carolyn I am checking on the status of the newsletter right now. Can you send me your email address to to confirm I have it right?

Stephanie said...

Thank you so much for taking the time to make this video! Very helpful and informative.

mrsmole said...

Super little video! so glad you mentioned that the front V does not have the band stretched like the back. It lays so flat and tidy! Thank you!

Sun Sitting said...

Thanks Barbara! I forgot about the patch of interfacing on the point. This really helps prevent the stretching that happens with t-shirt knits. I'll have to tag this section in the book.

Gwen Van Kleef said...

Very helpful. I appreciate all the sewing from the works-in-progress! Thanks!

Jodie said...

Thanks so much, this was excellent . As someone who is working on video making (cooking videos with my students) I would say try getting a lapel mic that you can plug into the headphone jack of the phone/iPad you are using. I think you'll get better sounds that way. I've had better success.

Jan said...

I've tried your method as you described it and it is amazing. Thanks so much for your thorough and patient teachings.

Kathie said...

Wow! Great video and explanation. Thank you 🙏

Josie said...

Thank you for sharing. The V neck band still difficult for me. Some tshirts come out better than others. Your calm demeanor instruction, easy to watch. Working with quality knit material helps too.
Muito obrigado por compartilhar.

Thanks again