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About me

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I am a mother, a grandmother, and a teacher. But whatever happens in my life, I keep sewing. I have worked as a political communicator and now as a teacher in my formal life. I have also written extensively on sewing. I have been a frequent contributor and contributing editor of Threads magazine and the Australian magazine Dressmaking with Stitches. My book Sew.. the garment-making book of knowledge was published in May 2018 and is available for pre-order from Amazon



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Saturday, July 14, 2018

Flypaper thoughts Saturday night edition

  • I have been working at shirt sewing this week hard enough to really appreciate tee shirts
  • Looking forward to cutting out a few of those soon for my pregnant daughter-in-law
  • Front, back, sleeves and what's to fit?
  • Am making no baby name suggestions
  • We are re-entering unchartered territory again
  • If anyone had told me a few years ago
  • Otis, Walter, George and, according to my mother's friend, Kaiser
  • We are all date stamped by our names
  • I was in the sandpile recently and heard a mother yell "Barbara"
  • What a dumb of fashioned name to call a little kid I thought
  • Until I remembered it was my own name
  • At least the revival names have predictable spelling
  • Kaylee, Khayleigh, Calee, 
  • I even know a Jane who is Jayn and another one who is Jahne
  • No one is going to do that to Walter
  • I honestly think I am going to have to spring for bamboo knit for pyjamas
  • Some days when I get to the end of it, I am pretty sure I need them
  • How is it three kids cannot, between the three of them
  • Remember where the TV remotes and unit that controls the heat pump went
  • Except they remember they saw them and they were together in the same place
  • It's just the where was that place part that draws the blank
  • And they think I think they weren't involved
  • When I just found a jar of water, three granola bars, a roll of pink curly ribbon, and a stick of stain remover from the laundry
  • In the case that my dad's 70 year old typewriter was stored in
  • I can follow the bread crumbs guys
  • At least the ones the dog hasn't eaten
  • Who else is waiting for the study that says people who eat cake with mocha icing live longer?
  • Or that watching your bobbins wind is the same thing as meditating?
  • And just how is anyone with this much fabric supposed to empty her mind?
  • I don't need to explain this one because I already know you totally get it
  • I will get back at them
  • Who wants to see Babsie do a triple back flip with a twirl before she lands?
  • We do, we do
  • OK well first close your eyes
  • Ta da
  • You missed it
  • And how will you ever know?
  • Come to think of it
  • Why do I need a TV remote?
  • We have to mute the news when a certain world leader is on
  • Daisy runs away down the hall
  • What's with the internet?
  • Bloglovin' put in my inbox a link to a post to totally rev up your life?
  • Who wouldn't click on that?
  • Particularly when they have so many tee shirts to make?
  • Drink water, move, be mindful, sleep
  • Number five was undoubtedly eat fruit and vegetables
  • This is news?
  • This is beautifully photographed and everything is white and filtered
  • This is not news
  • But the mocha cake study?
  • For that one I would buy a new remote


Nursebennett said...

Why haven’t I thought of “close your eyes” and “you missed it!” Brilliant! Oh wait! Mine will cheat and not close his eyes. Hmmmm.....maybe I’ll tell him God’s punishment for lying to me was that he was temporarily struck blind for a second. Is that mean? Nah... Lol.

tmd said...

If you need volunteers for the mocha cake study, I’m in. No remuneration required. We never lose the remotes to things because I’m the only one who knows how to work them. Explain how a man who ran the pingy machines on a submarine for a decade can be befuddled by DVR remotes and stove timers. Anyone? Anyone? I’m with you on tee shirts; I’ve had a shirt dress hanging on the back of my closet door for a year. The collar went in like a dream but I can’t face the placket and buttonholes. (I think I may have lost the sleeves, too, which is a shame because they had that roll-tab thing I really like in my shirts...)

Anonymous said...

As always your humor reminds me of Erma Bombeck (I hope I spelled that correctly) Happy Sewing!

Mary said...

I'm with Daisy. Running away down the hall from the sound of that cretin makes a great deal of sense.

Anonymous said...

Daisy and I are both embarrassed by our country of birth.

Smart to stay mum on the name choices......sometimes its hard not to wince.
