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I am a mother, a grandmother, and a teacher. But whatever happens in my life, I keep sewing. I have worked as a political communicator and now as a teacher in my formal life. I have also written extensively on sewing. I have been a frequent contributor and contributing editor of Threads magazine and the Australian magazine Dressmaking with Stitches. My book Sew.. the garment-making book of knowledge was published in May 2018 and is available for pre-order from Amazon



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Monday, March 26, 2018

Flypaper thoughts, well it's tonight edition

  • Last week in the Bay area then wind our way home
  • So beautiful here, so green, so almost excessively gorgeous
  • Makes me wonder if folks here know this 
  • I can think of a few places that could use some of this beauty 
  • Seems as if California has some to spare
  • Kids bought a house in Berkley
  • First house and they are so happy
  • Across the street is a house with a sewing machine in the front window
  • Looked across at that and it brought tears to my eyes
  • My son will be far away but not so far
  • When I go home I am leaving happy kids here and in Austin
  • And going back to my grandchildren and daughter
  • Miss Scarlett wrote me an email
  • "It's kind of boring around here without you"
  • Going to drive that rv steady in that direction
  • Well actually I don't drive
  • I knit
  • Well
  • I wish Daisy was that right now
  • Seems to have put her back out again
  • She's too tough and the idea she is in pain is too much for me
  • Off to the vet in the morning
  • She is always an episode away from surgery and it's a long way home
  • My baby girl
  • Patience and rest healed it last time
  • Not much else to do those thousands of miles
  • It has been a great trip
  • I found out that a landscape without anything in it is just as beautiful
  • Rocks in the desert express silence
  • I found out that Stonemountain and daughter is the best fabric store in the world
  • And 43 minutes on foot from the kids' new house
  • Do you know there is a converted garage in their back yard?
  • A granny flat
  • Wonder what that woman across the street sews
  • Think she is serious, serger thread on a spool holder feeding into that Janome
  • I found out my husband is talented
  • He has designed a fabric print pattern of windmills to have made up for ties for one son
  • Needs seven for a convention and I will sew them
  • I found out that I can sew cork handbags
  • Will post pictures soon
  • Not hard to sew 
  • But interesting to do something that didn't have armholes
  • Found out that the world is smaller than you think
  • And that this is a relief
  • Found out that one thing I have to do when I get home is teach little girls to sew
  • Miss Scarlett has friends
  • Found out that every window in Berkley has a bumper sticker in it
  • Found out that when you get older your kids can give you happy tears as much as they used to give you sad ones
  • Remember teenagers
  • Still catching up on my sleep
  • Found out that the nicest things some people say to you are not in words
  • Like my daughter-in-law letting me destroy her kitchen making kumquat chutney
  • And load her dishwasher
  • Found out that the more you travel the more you are comfortable outside of your zone
  • Either that or your zone gets bigger
  • And now includes more rocks
  • And cacti twice as tall as me
  • And campground neighbours who are underwater medics


AJW said...

So much wisdom, humor, and perspective. Thank you.

Tracy said...

I adore your flypaper thoughts! Completely understood, and definitely think the same way lol I'm a new Gigi and really dreading any potential separation, tired of city life and torn about moving away. And no I can't imagine they appreciate all the lovely green. 😉

Anonymous said...

What a nice surprise to hear from you, and such great news about a house in Berkley (happy memories for me and I never even got to the fabric store!). And happy kids on your travels, and grandchildren waiting at home for sewing lessons. I wonder if cork would make good sunhat?

ceci said...

Absolutely agree that Stone Mountain and Daughter is the best fabric store ever! Did people tell you the sale stuff is on the second floor? At least it used to be. I have found some fabulous things there for little money before I moved to the land of stars, rocks & cactus. You probably passed about 10 miles from my house if you were on Interstate 10.
BTW, is your kids' granny unit already rented? Have a granddaughter moving to Berkeley for grad school in July!
Have fun!

Sydney Brown said...

I am so glad you made it to Stonemountain and Daughter! And your son and DIL are so close to it! I am two hours away from it, so I make the trip about quarterly. And yes, we DO appreciate the green! We ended five years of drought and some pretty serious water rationing last winter, thank heavens.

Becky R. said...

Sounds like you have had a ball of fun! Underwater medic????

Esther said...

Oh Barbara, I usually love your sewing information and life wisdom, but this time you touched my heart with the sentence
"Found out that when you get older your kids can give you happy tears as much as they used to give you sad ones
Remember teenagers"

I have two teenage daughters and still in the time they give me sad tears. So there is hope! You did make my day. A big hug and thank you!

And in case you are interested I live in Catalonia and my blog is

Happy Easter and safe trip home!

ג'יל said...

You left me with tears in my eyes here - my sons are getting to exactly that age - starting to settle down with wonderful young women...makes me so happy that they are so happy...

Have a safe trip home! I'm off to mountain bike in Morocco for two weeks to totally get out of my comfort zone (leaving my sewing machine behind...obviously, but counting on maybe finding some beautiful fabrics!)

Happy spring!

TracyKM said...

Windmills, or wind turbines? :)
I love your Flypaper posts. Totally how my brain works too.

Unknown said...

I always tear up at your posts.