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I am a mother, a grandmother, and a teacher. But whatever happens in my life, I keep sewing. I have worked as a political communicator and now as a teacher in my formal life. I have also written extensively on sewing. I have been a frequent contributor and contributing editor of Threads magazine and the Australian magazine Dressmaking with Stitches. My book Sew.. the garment-making book of knowledge was published in May 2018 and is available for pre-order from Amazon



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Friday, March 31, 2017

How does it feel?

I came back from my last beach walk this afternoon with the thought that we pay a lot of attention to how we look in clothes and style, but we underplay how we feel in them. This is the exact opposite of how we start out - kids care so much about how clothes touch the body. And you know we are still the same inside.

I believe that.

Exhibit A is what I have on today. A pair of light high thread count shorts from shortened Peta pants from Stylearc, and the Renfrew T shirt from Sewaholic with the sides pivoted out to make it looser at the bottom with my own cross over V neckline. The T shirt fabric is light modal from Joann's.It is pretty weightless.

Not glamorous but I am camping, and I was at the beach. I love wearing this outfit, because of how it feels on my body. Like it is not there at all:

I think this brings up a larger issue, something we neglect when we make clothing decisions. Are you a light person or a snuggly person? A hygge person who likes fall and wrapping up with tea and a good book, or an outside and feel the breeze person, like me? I mean I sew outside.

It seems to me that the elements you belong in should be factored into your clothes too.

Of course this is also in my mind because I am heading north tomorrow, out of my element but back to my peeps. I miss them and they need me.

So off I go, like a bird flying north again, but I will miss this, what I see from my door on wheels on the inland waterway, with the beach to my back:

 What is your element, how does it affect what you wear?


celkalee said...

I live by the seasons. I live in a temperate climate so I dress accordingly. Retirement has changed my style from more formal and work place specific to medium casual. Not yoga pants and T back shirts but mostly knit fabric elastic waist pants with cute T shirts or blouses that I make and embroider with flowers, bugs and fruit here and there. I cannot remember when I wore a dress last. I add a cardigan or jacket when needed.

Have safe travels North.

Karen said...

I've been thinking along these lines too. I want to look nice (at least in public), but too often I sew or buy clothes that aren't comfortable for my body or my lifestyle. Last year I spent a lot of time making a wool blazer and I've never worn it. I don't want anything restrictive on my body, especially my neck or wrists. Last week at the mall a young salesman tried to talk my middle aged husband into trying on some stretchy skinny jeans, telling him they're so comfortable they "feel like karate pants". We got a good laugh out of imagining my husband's body in those jeans, but I think I want my clothes to feel like karate pants, or at least like activewear. Is it possible to look polished and put together while still being able to reach the top shelf, get in a car, pick up something off the floor, or lounge on the couch, all without tugging, adjusting, or flashing anything? That's what I hope to find out with my sewing this year.

theresa said...

Oh yes, you hit the right note with this post. I refuse to wear stretch anything unless it's underwear or swimwear so gave up buying RTW pants years ago. Don't usually wear knits as I find that they keep me too warm and knits don't usually have a collar or a pencil/pen pocket, which is a requirement for me. Since reapplying myself to serious sewing, the wardrobe has increased by leaps and bounds and always with a view to comfort. Cotton is my favorite fabric. I just wish shoes were still not a problem. Men have shoes that look good, are comfortable and that can be walked in or run in for that matter. Who ever heard of running in a dress and heels? You maybe can, but at the risk of sprained ankles.

I live in a warm climate. We really didn't have winter this year and spring came, went, and is currently being rerun, for this week at least. Summer is officially here when the ice breaks on the Santa Cruz River (when we hit 100 degrees F) regardless of what the calendar says. At that point life outside is lived before 8 am and after sundown. I'm branching out and trying new patterns such as Linda Lee's, The Sewing Workshop and Louise Cuttings', The Cutting Line. They are mostly loose wovens and casual chic. For work outside I've stolen the male blue collar uniform of boots, workshirt and jeans. Can't beat it even if it's not stylish.
Theresa in tucson

Unknown said...

Hope you packed up some of that warm sunshine to bring home with you. Everyone here would be appreciative!

Anonymous said...

You look wonderful and I envy your weightless clothes.
I get frantic in the heat and need something that barely touches the body – so after a zillion years of not wearing dresses, they have become my summer uniform made in linen, cotton or rayon for coolness. Any amount of spandex or lycra is too hot for me therefore no stretchy fabrics.
As for favourite sewing seasons – it's autumn and winter for me. I love sewing woolens and velours.
Vancouver Barbara

Anonymous said...

As I get older, I find that I am more sensitive to clothes that are scratchy, tight, heavy or don't breathe. I don't know why that is. Maybe retirement has gotten me used to wearing mostly casual clothing and having to look good is no longer important. A nice cardigan will do instead of a structured jacket. Is that why Judy Woodruff wears cardigans instead of jackets? Also, I am beginning to hate ironing (what an endless chore!) although I used to happily iron my work clothes, especially white shirts.