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I am a mother, a grandmother, and a teacher. But whatever happens in my life, I keep sewing. I have worked as a political communicator and now as a teacher in my formal life. I have also written extensively on sewing. I have been a frequent contributor and contributing editor of Threads magazine and the Australian magazine Dressmaking with Stitches. My book Sew.. the garment-making book of knowledge was published in May 2018 and is available for pre-order from Amazon



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Sunday, February 5, 2017

My halftime flypaper thoughts

  • OK I am not watching football but am aware it's on
  • Daisy is fast asleep too
  • Sewing on the road working well
  • Iron outside, cut on a cardboard mat on the bed, and machines on the table
  • Works if you keep your elbows tight
  • Times are changing
  • Nylon stockings are out whatever the temperature and leg veins
  • Eyebrows are in, coloured eye shadow is out
  • As far as I am concerned tailor tacks never go out of style
  • Saw an ad for a food preservation system that means you can eat food you made 35 years ago
  • Think about that
  • Who was a better cook 35 years ago?
  • Let's add water and rehydrate tuna casserole made with a can of mushroom soup mix with crumbled potato chips on top
  • You can tell a lot about a man by the look on his wife's face
  • Been to enough office Christmas parties to have figured that out
  • Riding my bike on the beach in the mornings
  • Watch the pelicans glide like masters of the universe
  • Pre-historic faces and all that grace
  • Consider that peacocks don't fly
  • Hope girls in high school are holding that thought
  • Not much is nicer than a row of perfect buttonholes
  • Any body figured out why it takes a dog 20 minutes to find the exact right place to pee
  • I wish I could play the clarinet
  • Ended piano when the teacher said come back when you have rhythm 
  • Good news Mom I said
  • I don't ever have to go back
  • But really
  • The clarinet is the musical equivalent of a shawl collar wool velour coat
  • You know what I mean?
  • Any one want to split a Key Lime pie with me?
  • Not many of those in Nova Scotia
  • Pies or splitters
  • My turn for dishes
  • Catch you later


SuzieB said...

Glad the "sewing in small spaces" project is going well-
Would love to have shared in that key lime pie! I made a sour orange pie this week with wild oranges from my neighbor's tree. Basically the key lime recipe using other citrus. Yum!

Anne Frances said...

What a wonderful picture of a good life! But peacocks do fly! Walked out one morning and found a peacock in the street outside. They don't fly much but they can! Turned out it had escaped from the zoo three miles away and lived around our area for a fair few months until the zoo eventually managed to get it back. How it escaped the urban foxes I have no idea, but peacocks and peahens do fly up into trees to roost. But I suspect watching pelicans beats that! Anne

Mary OK said...

Lovely post, so much to think about! This line makes me think about the #FreeMelania movement: "You can tell a lot about a man by the look on his wife's face

Unknown said...

I believe there is one "perfect" spot that all dogs are searching for. I am glad Daisy is enjoying the road life. I hope she ahd no N Carolina issues this year.
I think that some girls have a problem with growing up but motherhood is usually the catalyst for most people. When there is a helpless little on totally dependent on you, it is surprising how girls (and boys)bring their adult, responsible attitudes to the fore.
Some people of both sexes never make it past the "ME" focus in their lives, but I have to believe they are the exceptions rather than the rule.
Amazing that you have been able to bring your typing training skills to bear on your sewing. I remember the office skills teacher walking up and down the aisles shouting "elbows in"
Enjoy the sewing on the road life. It sounds very good. Winter is still here and seasonally cold.

SusanE said...

Your mix of wisdom and whimsy always makes me smile. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Anne Frances already mentioned it: peacocks do fly. Here you can see it:
Thank you for your lovely blog,

Hilda (barkcloth) from Amsterdam (NL)

LinB said...

Peacocks fly. They are also REALLY noisy. There's a feral flock in a county park about two miles from my house. You can hear them screaming at each other from my back yard, in the summertime, when all the trees have leaves. And, they bite.

Cindy said...

You can tell a lot about a man by the look on his wife's face.......hilarious and so true.

TracyKM said...

As a musician, I have encountered numerous people who took up the clarinet in their retirement! More than any other instrument. It's never too late to learn. Our band director has a student in his 90s who took up clarinet just a few years ago.
I have a food dehydrator but I don't know I'd eat food dried 35 years ago. We kept a package of commercially prepared dehydrated food from a canoe trip in 1996. It's been through several moves, different cities. We just can't part with it. As long as we have it, our cupboard will never be empty :)