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I am a mother, a grandmother, and a teacher. But whatever happens in my life, I keep sewing. I have worked as a political communicator and now as a teacher in my formal life. I have also written extensively on sewing. I have been a frequent contributor and contributing editor of Threads magazine and the Australian magazine Dressmaking with Stitches. My book Sew.. the garment-making book of knowledge was published in May 2018 and is available for pre-order from Amazon



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Monday, February 15, 2016

Flypaper thoughts rv edition

  • Only the waistband to go on the Vado boyfriend jeans
  • Apart from the fact I lied to the program about my hip measurement
  • They are awesome
  • More later
  • Sent the husband on the scooter across town to Walmart to buy interfacing
  • Best I could do
  • They tried to sell him Stitch Witchery
  • He knew to call
  • When I was 16 I worked for the Hudson Bay's Northern Stores in the warehouse in the summer
  • We sent the Inuit paper thin pyjamas on the boats before the ice closed up the routes
  • In return they sent us soapstone carvings
  • My boss was an old guy who had been in U boats in the war
  • When things got tense he would crouch down and run
  • Too much time in the subs someone told me
  • I have thought of him sewing in the RV
  • My ironing board is set up on a shelf under some overhead cupboards
  • You would think if someone stood up under a cupboard 47 times she would learn
  • Apparently not
  • There are a few old men in Nova Scotia who were in the U boats in the war
  • They looked through the periscopes and thought "looks pretty nice"
  • Came back later
  • A half done roll of paper towels makes a good sleeve roll
  • I read a resume this week
  • Wouldn't it be cool if people wrote true things?
  • How about "Worrying: 1962-present"
  • Did you have a good Valentine's day?
  • I did
  • Sat across the table in a restaurant from the man who once met a 45 year old woman with three teenagers, a cranky dog and a semi-renovated house and proposed because "I figured if I didn't someone else would snap you up."
  • All these years I have let him think that is true
  • However Valentine's day meant I missed Downton Abbey
  • Never even crossed my mind
  • Besides they broadcast last week before this week every Sunday
  • I could so live with a lady's maid
  • Every time Lady Mary steps out of her clothes and leaves them on the floor
  • I think I could do that
  • Live like a teenager
  • And how about having someone do your hair every morning and all you have to do is move aside the breakfast tray and stagger to the dressing table?
  • I could do that too
  • And anytime you were bored you just have to ask Anna What's up?
  • Modern life you lie there and discuss whether or not the dog really does need to go out for a pee this early
  • Just not the same
  • Tomorrow waistband and button loops
  • Brace yourselves


Elle said...

Your valentine is a discerning man!

Maggie said...

I saw an exhibit of costumes from Downton Abbey, and some of them seemed so fragile. I thought at the time, I guess you can wear fragile close if there is someone else to mend them after each wearing!

sewingkm said...

Chuckled over your Lady Mary comments - made my morning! Your flypaper thoughts are the best. Karen

AlaskaBerninaGirl said...

Don't fool yourself, I'd snap you up to be my sewist! Good luck on the waistband and button loops! Wish I had the picnic table next to yours!

Brooke said...

I love you!

Anonymous said...

Wow, so much here. So from me, two things: 1. Re the men in Nova Scotia, I'm glad something good came to someone from being stuck in a U-boat. And, 2. Never, ever lie to a computer program!

Julie Starr said...

Ditto what Brooke said...