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Clothesmaking mavens

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About me

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I am a mother, a grandmother, and a teacher. But whatever happens in my life, I keep sewing. I have worked as a political communicator and now as a teacher in my formal life. I have also written extensively on sewing. I have been a frequent contributor and contributing editor of Threads magazine and the Australian magazine Dressmaking with Stitches. My book Sew.. the garment-making book of knowledge was published in May 2018 and is available for pre-order from Amazon



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Sunday, August 9, 2015

Rainy Sunday afternoon

Just a quick update.

Miss Daisy is on no activity and tons of meds until we see the vet again Tuesday for an assessment - basically to find out if her back is healing up or do we take the drive over to PEI (two provinces away)  because only the regional vet college does this kind of surgery.

There was no way she was going to be OK in a cage again however, so I sent out my husband (who thankfully got home from the North Pole for three weeks on Thursday) to get a second hand Pack and Play for babies instead. We have set that up in the living room so she can see us. It has wheels and we can take it into the bedroom with us at night. It is a pretty good solution, it confines her but doesn't make her feel trapped I don't think.

I really hope she turns to corner soon - my instinct is to just want to put her in the car and start driving to Charlottetown this afternoon.

Things like this expose a person's weaknesses.

I am proactive but at the point of it being a fault. If there is something wrong I want to get it fixed/done right away and there are situations when you have to give something some time.

Waiting is not my best thing, particularly when those black eyes are looking at me like they are now.

The upside is that I have spent the weekend quietly hand sewing the linings into the bodices of the flower girl dresses. 

So far so good.

I will probably post pictures tonight when they are done.

My plan next was to start a muslin on my own dress but I am not ready to start such an intense project yet. Just don't have the focus right now and my being careful quota got a bit emptied out with these taffeta dresses for the little girls and I am going to need some moments for it to refill.

I am thinking I might take a break from the serious stuff when these little dresses are done and make say a loud camp shirt or some pull on linen pants in say purple.

As usual my sewing reflects where I am at the moment, and most of all, what I need.


katherine said...

Aww... I hope you two are better soon.

Elle said...

The Pack and Play is a great solution. I'm sure she doesn't feel trapped. By now she understands your intention and knows she is well-loved.

Sharon said...

Brilliant idea to keep Daisy in active and still be part of the pack. Fingers crossed the back us healing.

Lisa said...

I enjoy reading your blog but usually do not comment. We have a toy Maltese that also developed back/disc problems like your sweet Miss Daisy. Just felt I wanted to share that the muscle relaxer meds were/are the only meds that seem to work for her. She was put on other meds for weeks that did not give her any relief, until the vet.... sort of on a lark.... put her on the muscle relaxers. Now I keep a bottle in the pantry and when I see an 'event' coming on.... go ahead and start treating her. She is not allowed to go up and down stairs anymore, nor jump or stand up on her hind legs. Definitely not allowed to jump off sofas or any small height thing. We cannot even let her play with her toys much anymore, because she gets too excited and twists and turns her back in play. It is hard having a little dog who is not allowed to be a 'dog', but we love her so and want to extend her quality of life with us. Just thought I'd share a little of our experience with our pup. Good luck with Miss Daisy and I hope she finds relief soon.

Unknown said...

Hugs to Daisy!