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I am a mother, a grandmother, and a teacher. But whatever happens in my life, I keep sewing. I have worked as a political communicator and now as a teacher in my formal life. I have also written extensively on sewing. I have been a frequent contributor and contributing editor of Threads magazine and the Australian magazine Dressmaking with Stitches. My book Sew.. the garment-making book of knowledge was published in May 2018 and is available for pre-order from Amazon



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Sunday, August 23, 2015

Advice appreciated

Just to let you know I took the good advice and added two back darts, brought in the back shoulder, rotating that seam forward by 1/2" and took in the centre back seam at the top by about 3/4" curving it back by the time we got to my shoulder blades.

So much better and the front fits better now too, reminding me again how improving the fit in one area helps another.

So folks I am going to try to get the good stuff cut tomorrow and start the steady but sure sewing part.

So helpful to have had other eyes on this project, thank you.


Lyndle said...

It's goung to look great. Well done on biting the muslin bullet. Btw, i thought everyone used scraps for this...

Jodie said...

I didn't getting a chance to comment earlier, DH wanted to do yard work and I need to strike when that particular iron is hot. Sounds like you have the back fitting all under control. I wondered what you thought of simply catching the loose end of the collar in the middle front insertion seam. I wasn't sure if you had a pin to use of not.,,.it just seems an odd place (to me) to want to draw the eye. Love the colour of your planned fabric, very you. Good luck!

Lucille said...

I don't understand your fixation on your 'rear'! You actually have a curve back there, and many of us would love to have some curvy booty! You get a nice waist definition because of the booty curve, and yet I never hear you mention that.

Love the fabric, pattern and the fit so far. I would shorten that little tie to match the picture.

SuzieB said...

Always playing catch-up here- The MOG dress is going to look wonderful on you! Having met you in person - you are much more slender - almost "delicate" - than your photos show or for which you give yourself credit. Rock the booty & don't go too long with the dress! Curves & knees are a good thing- The hot pink is beautiful - & so are the flower girl dresses (from awhile back).

When its all over & things have calmed down, give us a post about your steamer. I'm in the market for one & know nothing.