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I am a mother, a grandmother, and a teacher. But whatever happens in my life, I keep sewing. I have worked as a political communicator and now as a teacher in my formal life. I have also written extensively on sewing. I have been a frequent contributor and contributing editor of Threads magazine and the Australian magazine Dressmaking with Stitches. My book Sew.. the garment-making book of knowledge was published in May 2018 and is available for pre-order from Amazon



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Tuesday, July 28, 2015

My husband's northern blog

My husband started this blog largely for the entertainment of the extended family when he is away. He inspects big jobs and most of those are remote.

Funny just after I posted my last one he sent me an email that he had put up a blog post about polar bears. Since they are not a day-to-day thing for most people, I thought those who might find this interesting might find this post interesting.

Needless to say the husband is himself a bit of a character.


badmomgoodmom said...

LOL. I went to grad school w/ a former Alaska assistant State Seismologist. I congratulated him on the big title and he told me it was just so that he would be non-union management staff and could not refuse to go out to repair "down" stations.

I naively asked why that is an issue.

"Because grizzly bears are the main reason our stations go down."

Colleen said...

Thank you for pointing out your husband's blog. My son is working in Yellowknife and flies to more northern communities. While his flying exploits thrill his dad, I am more interested in the people and the environment and sometimes he leaves out the details that feed me. Your husband's humour shines through and I get a better glimpse of their experiences. Wishing you continued success on your mammoth sewing list as the wedding looms.

AlaskaBerninaGirl said...

I don't think even Martha Stewart could do anything with this. Haha! Quite an enjoyable read for sure and I can relate as my hubs also works remote in Deadhorse, Alaska. Two on and two off as a pipeline inspector where he crawls inside the pipeline, yikes, not me!

Unknown said...

I love his blog...thank you!!!

Doreen said...

I want to be a fly on the wall when you all are sitting around talking! Flies don't make a lot of sound when they laugh, do they?

Anonymous said...

Love your husband's blog! I work for a company that does construction inspection (including heavy highway) in SW Pennsylvania. I can only imagine the griping I would hear about conditions if we sent some of our inspectors up there. At least they don't have to deal with polar bears around here!

Angela said...

I enjoyed your husband's writing - a glimpse into a different world for me! I am interested in where he purchased his bike while in Knoxville. My brother works for Smoky Mountain Harley-Davidson in Maryville so just thought that would be a neat almost-connection:)