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I am a mother, a grandmother, and a teacher. But whatever happens in my life, I keep sewing. I have worked as a political communicator and now as a teacher in my formal life. I have also written extensively on sewing. I have been a frequent contributor and contributing editor of Threads magazine and the Australian magazine Dressmaking with Stitches. My book Sew.. the garment-making book of knowledge was published in May 2018 and is available for pre-order from Amazon



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Saturday, November 29, 2014

Lazi-boy top #1

A few years ago my husband went out and got himself a Lazi-boy chair. At the time I thought we didn't need another chair in this house and particularly one that was  such a cliche. 

You know how cool I am. It's well-known.

Of course the minute that man was out of the house away for work I was right in that old Lazi-boy, feet flipped up and enjoying myself a lot.

Eventually I bought one for myself, once it became apparent he wanted his back.

Yes that's right. 

We have his and hers Lazi-boys down in the family room in the basement. So much for cliches.

Listen I admit it, being comfortable is a real default and for good reason. If you were coming home after a day standing up teaching and generally being pulled in four hundred directions and just wanted to cruise the pattern sites and pretend you were going to actually sew all those things, where would you plant yourself?

As illustrated above or, in this:

I hope I am not insulting anyone's design sense or living room, but I kind of rest my case.

It has occurred to me that I do this with some of my clothes.

Go for the chic picture and forget how I will feel in it.

I need more Lazi-boy tops.

I know I would wear them a lot.

With that in mind I pulled out this pattern I have been meaning to sew for a long time:

I am a big fan of shawl collars, as I am of details that are from the culture of women's clothes, so I always liked this pattern.

I decided to add about 4" total to the width, and inch each side at the underarm, to make it more a tunic but still maintain the fit in the shoulders, and I added the same to the length.

I used a sort of loopy knit that is kind of a cross between a fleece and a terry and here it is:

There is no head in this picture because the photographer focused on the dog and not me and my face is a little blurry, not to mention the hair is vertical.

Here is the close-up of the collar:

Now if this doesn't say ready to recline, I don't know what does.


Linda T said...

Looks like it's a perfect match for the Lazi-boy to me.

SewCraftyChemist said...

Ha!! Love the lazy boy reference! Very nice top. Love the fit and color and it looks comfy and cozy

wendy said...

That looks so warm & lovely. I really like how the collar came out!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I'm adding this top to my list. I'm a big fan of shawl collars and this is definitely for my apres-work "wardrobe".

Unknown said...

Very cute/cuddly top!!!

jirons42 said...

Love the look!

Claire S. said...

Definitely a lazi-boy top - this is a great pattern. Yours looks sooo cozy ! I made two in 'em and now my SIL wants one. Better get to it LOL

Janee said...

I thought I owned all the great Jali top patterns - might have to add this one to the collection! It looks great, comfy and definitely worthy of more than just lazy-boy wearing! Nice work!

Leigh in Portland (we are not burning down) said...

Warm and cozy! I might need to make me one of those. :)

knitmachinequeen (KMQ) said...

Love it. I think I need one too!

Catherine said...

Definitely a relaxed Lay-Z-Boy style shirt. Now I'll retire to my Lazy-Z-Boy for a little TV and cross stitch!

Nana said...

I have 2 lazy-boy love seats in my den....not really pretty but can't beat comfort....I am sure that new top will become one of those hard to take off this winter.

Lisa Laree said... I want another pattern... :-) My hubby has a Laz-y-Boy, too. We call it the Geezer Chair. ;-)

Donna W said...

Love that top. The color is great. You can snuggle down in your chair with this one.

SuzieB said...

Love that collar! Easier to wear than a cowl, but still snuggly.

Mary said...

beautiful top and I agree about recliners :-)