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I am a mother, a grandmother, and a teacher. But whatever happens in my life, I keep sewing. I have worked as a political communicator and now as a teacher in my formal life. I have also written extensively on sewing. I have been a frequent contributor and contributing editor of Threads magazine and the Australian magazine Dressmaking with Stitches. My book Sew.. the garment-making book of knowledge was published in May 2018 and is available for pre-order from Amazon



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Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Flypaper thoughts

  • Past experience tells me that winters end
  • Not sure I am feeling it here
  • Have watched robins freeze on the branches for a week now
  • The little girls and I took out seeds
  • New York was wonderful
  • Took an outstanding soap making class at the Brooklyn Creative Studio
  • The teacher Rosemary is the real deal, we measured on digital scales and wore safety glasses
  • Michaels it was not
  • Will be doing a skin cream class for sure another trip
  • Understand seaweed soap is primo
  • Folks have I got a province for you
  • Made the Renfrew top
  • Lived up to the reviews
  • The inside of the cowl is cut smaller than the outside
  • A brain was in operation when this was drafted
  • Photographer will be home tomorrow
  • Mass producing Elle pants
  • I am so not a production sewer
  • This is no weather for bare legs
  • Mr. Rascal is on the mend
  • He now is jumping into the bathtub in the middle of the night for someone to turn on the tap
  • Fluids are better, sleep not so much
  • My students are so, so fun
  • You have to love folks who have time to paint each nail a different colour but no time to study before the test
  • Not sure this is the right priority but did make me smile
  • That's worth something
  • Just not marks
  • Simplicity has a semi-boycott of Canada
  • My local store has nothing past fall and they won't ship direct to sewers here
  • has them
  • Just so you know
  • Where is the tape?
  • Next month I will be in Florida
  • In bare legs
  • Went to a stand up confessional thing at a bookstore in NYC
  • Glasses of wine and folks telling horror stories
  • Expected Meg Ryan to show up
  • In Nova Scotia we do that in the grocery line up
  • Except the wine part
  • Nicest thing anyone ever said to me came out of Miss Scarlett's mouth last week
  • "Babs I really think you are the real Cat in the Hat."
  • Doesn't get any better than that
  • Got to get those Elles finished
  • Need to move onto tops
  • No weather here for bare chested cats


annie said...

Sorry Mr. Rascal was feeling poorly. Glad he's better. So hard when a dog, or cat, is sick b/c we feel so helpless.

SewCraftyChemist said...

I would like to believe that this winter will end but I don't. I don't think it'll ever end. I think it'll be winter forever. For. Ever.

Anonymous said...

Glad to see Flypaper Thoughts back again. Always look forward to them. To you. No mention of fabric purchases in NYC. Our local Fabricland is not selling Simplicity – they tell us the price has gone up 160%. Yes. 160%! Tell us more about the province you have for us. Whassup?

birdmommy said...

Fabricland in Ontario has stopped carrying Simplicity and New Look too. They said the Simplicity jacked up the prices too much for it to make sense for Fabricland to carry them anymore.
I didn't know they wouldn't ship to Canada. I did know that they charge extra if you download one of their patterns. I had no idea that Canadian electrons were more expensive. :(

Scenic Route said...

The geese here in Denver are totally confused--flying one direction one day and the opposite the next. 60F one day, 20F the next. Repeat & repeat & repeat. What's up with Simplicity? They better watch themselves as so many great indies at their heels! Thanks for the laughs :)

Louisa said...

I'm in Vancouver and I haven't bought a Simplicity pattern in eons. And last time I got a New Look it was the electronic version. Don't they want Canadians to buy their products? Or are they content with selling most of them in the US for $.99 at JoAnns? Pfthh!

Love your flypaper thoughts! I'm still chuckling about the painted nails...

badmomgoodmom said...

"Babs I really think you are the real Cat in the Hat."
is da bomb.

I mean, you are da bomb and I am glad she knows that. Smart girl.

This was sweet, but didn't come from my daughter, so it doesn't count:

Tillie's Mom said...

Hi Barb. I made another pair of the stylearc yoga pants using your waistband problems this time and it looks 110% better at the back waist. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Just found your blog. I grow up in the tropics. Living in Hawaii now. I must say, i had a bias view about people living in cold climates. Flypaper is funny, andinteresting.
Thanks for sharing.
Aloha from Josie