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I am a mother, a grandmother, and a teacher. But whatever happens in my life, I keep sewing. I have worked as a political communicator and now as a teacher in my formal life. I have also written extensively on sewing. I have been a frequent contributor and contributing editor of Threads magazine and the Australian magazine Dressmaking with Stitches. My book Sew.. the garment-making book of knowledge was published in May 2018 and is available for pre-order from Amazon



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Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Things I have noticed and things I have done

First of all there is not a lot of great sewing progress to report.

Beautiful new baby last weekend and for the last five days my husband and I have been taking care of the little girls while their folks were visiting the NYC son on location, although that location is now Brooklyn.

I would be more jealous if it were not for the fact that I myself will be there in two weeks time - garment district lookout. Me lookout too actually. Since I am going to be staying with my son and his very nice girlfriend, who must by now be wondering what she got into when she signed up to be the Nova Scotia Consulate, I have also decided this is my visit to Conquer the Subway.

No big deal of course for normal people but I have two profound handicaps. 

One is claustrophobia (undoubtedly a product of my upbringing on the Canadian Prairies were everything was above ground and you could see across at least two provinces (hills and mountains are known as something that ruins the view). The other is my incredible lack of anything resembling a sense of direction. I still get lost in my own house and it is a bungalow and I have lived here for 26 years.

My problem with getting lost is partially due to the fact I get easily distracted. If there is someone on that train with a cool fabric on her coat I will miss my stop and at least ten others. 

I am hoping that the magnetic field that is the garment district will keep me straight.

Our time with the little girls was fantastic, once we figured out that Miss Scarlett was happiest if she slept in my big cozy bed with me and Rascal - which put my husband on the couch - although it did make it clear to us that it was probably a good idea that my daughter have a break and we glad we could help her do it. Taking care of a 4 and 2 year old requires planning for a 5:00 a.m. start time and the three hours every night when you sit on the couch and say "I shouldn't have sat down." I figure it is that they just are so much smarter than we are. 

Which is a good thing.

And which brings me to a thought I had this morning reading the NY Times. Some kid has just published a scientifically significant study of the bacterial contamination of kosher and organic chickens opposed to the other stuff.

The line that I noticed was that to do this he, helped by his mother, bought 213 chicken thighs. Ha. I can see it now, a woman standing at the meat counter with her car keys "Listen I know this sounds silly but my kid has this project..." I wonder what favours she had to pull to store them? 

No one knows what mothers do.

So right now this mother is off duty except for hemming another edition of the Barb pants. I wore my last version to work where they got the "sitting down all day test" which revealed a need for a 1 1/2" addition to the waist. 

That's all the sewing I have been able to do, except for several garments that now have sleeves and not much else, done in prep for my Burdastyle class this Thursday. I am ready to go on that one and actually think sleeves are one of my best things, sort of balancing out that sense of direction thing.



Unknown said...

I LOVE the NYC subway! Out here (SD) we go by N-S-E-W. That doesn't work there! But it's super don't have to know what direction you're going in. The subway has information booths. Ask them for a subway map and have them circle where you are and where you want to go. The routes and train cars (or whatever they call them) names are clearly marked. You can follow the map while riding...they announce the stops, that way you won't be as confused about where you are. If you get off at the wrong stop, just get on another train. You can't get lost!!! It's fun!!!

Scenic Route said...

About the same time you'll be in Brooklyn, I'll be navigating Hong Kong subways & transit. I'm told an idiot couldn't get lost there--we'll see if I pass that test ;) Also told that the fabric district there is out of this world; so, hopefully it will be a directional magnet for me, too!

Anonymous said...

Loved the comment about hills and mountains ruining the view! Born and raised in central Saskatchewan, but now living in London, Ontario - I still miss those big open spaces and found myself feeling claustrophic when visiting BC! Too many trees! Love your blog - so funny and down to earth. Best regards from one prairie gal to another. Cheryl

jirons42 said...

I had to laugh at your "sense of direction" comments. That is so me. My kids have their father's wonderful sense of direction and just shake their heads. Thanks to my granddaugher, we did conquer the London subway system though.

LinB said...

When we lived on the southern edge of the Great Plains, in Wisconsin and Illinois, the thing I found most threatening was the complete openness to the great bowl of the sky, with no boundaries in view on any side. For one who grew up in the hilly woods of the Mid-Atlantic Piedmont (with the added constrictions of honeysuckle and kudzu vines gone wild in those woods), this was terrifying on a deep level. I felt there was no place to hide from whatever awfulness might fall from that sky. And it did fall, rain and sleet and hail and snow, and there was nothing nothing nothing to slow down or stop the wind . I just scared myself again, after all these years.