I woke up this morning and it was 1982.
No kidding.
My inbox told me that some new patterns were up, always an event that gets me excited, and I was surprised by what I saw.
There were a few of the usuals and lots of those draped necklines that I figure are so common now they will be on their way out soon, but what really knocked me out was this:
Have a look, at the line drawings in particular.
I haven't seen profiles like these since I used curling irons to flip up my bangs and had gummy lip gloss on my lips.
The no dart, straight up and down blouse, shirt, and dress.
Just when I finally get over the tight too short jacket, just when I finally learn how to do a FBA on everything, just when I learn how to rotate a shoulder and add bust darts, here we go.
Back to the future.
This, I suspect, is a trend that we will see opening up. One of those reruns that everyone jumps into, like capris, because they remember how comfortable they were.
And of course as a sewer I am seeing this as Fast to Sew. You could whip one of these babies up pronto and pull on a one hour double knit skirt and no one would be the wiser.
And you wouldn't have to wear Spanx.
What do you think?
Well, thank God. The only pants pattern I have that really fits, and whose designer has gone out of business, is identical to the drawing and I still have the Vogue pattern with the shoulder yoke gathers and the neck tie. Have I been saved some trouble or what?
I don't clean out my closet as often as I should, I guess. As a result, I still have an orange poly shirt blouse with a wide, loose tie, almost identical to the photo. I'm sure I made it in the 80's some time. Nice to know I'm ready for fall....
Lana from Illinois
Well darn! I was a elementary age kid in the 80s....but now as an adult, it's not a look that suits me. I'm petite/thin and the loose, oversized look makes me look like my clothes are too big....
However, it might work with cropped pants and a longer top...hmmm
And if the big hair of the 80's comes back I might be able to gain an inch or two in height if I had the right "do".
A pair of pleated trousers like that fits and flatters my aged hourglass better than any modern cut of pants. You know, the no waist ones that let the muffin do the talking. This I like.
As far as the bow blouses, BTDT and no more. It took me so long to figure out fit ( which I am still working on) that shapeless blouses just don't appeal to me. I'll pass on that trend.
Not so sure I wntto revisit shapeless blouses from the 80's. Unless, of course, the figure I had in the 80's comes with the pattern!
Wasn't a big fan of many 80s clothes in the 80s! I still think that the 70s had better silhouettes (except for the stupid, stupid, stupid hip hugger trouser) for most figure types. The 70s fabrics were not as good as the 80s fabrics, though. It has been 30 years after all, a generation-and-a-half since the 1980s. Whole teeming hordes of millions haven't yet experienced Shoulder Pad Pile-up (blouse pad topped by jacket pad topped by coat pad, to keep your ears toasty warm while making it look as if your head has sunk into your chest cavity).
Honestly? I look at these patterns and say "Ugh."
If I wore any of those, I'd look like a little stout lady of a certain age who had utterly given up and decided to settle for being comfortable. As opposed to a dieting and exercising lady of a certain age committed to sucking in her stomach for a few more years at least.
Ugh. Just when I've finally learned how to fit my ski-slope shoulders. I guess I'll just have to be my usual funky self and not at all trendy and stylish. Heh.
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