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About me

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I am a mother, a grandmother, and a teacher. But whatever happens in my life, I keep sewing. I have worked as a political communicator and now as a teacher in my formal life. I have also written extensively on sewing. I have been a frequent contributor and contributing editor of Threads magazine and the Australian magazine Dressmaking with Stitches. My book Sew.. the garment-making book of knowledge was published in May 2018 and is available for pre-order from Amazon



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Sunday, May 6, 2012

Thinking about style and just a little more family

I have been thinking for days now about my friend Robin's request for a style blog/inspiration a few days ago on her blog. This really has captured me. I think I will respond to her in a post, rather than a comment. I will write on this tomorrow I think.

In the meantime I have been consulting to my daughter about her own new blog and negotiating the terms of our agreement that I help her with an influx of orders for her baby wipes (if you had told me even 6 months ago that my daughter would be sewing like this I would not have believed you - and I am secretly thrilled.)

Our deal is if she cuts, I will stitch. No explanation necessary.

And finally for all those mothers of flown-the-nesters I have to share this story in this mornings NY Times.

Oh and be assured that my thoughts on style will not involve me volunteering myself as a fashion blogger.  Just refer to my latest collection of Florida shirts.

More later.


a little sewing said...

Ohhh, I just found another good one:

I look forward to your thoughts!

Bunny said...

That's a great link from Robin. Thanks, Robin.

Looking forward to your post, Barb.

badmomgoodmom said...

Thanks for the link. It brought back memories of when I, as a 21 yo girl/woman, moved from Berkeley to Boulder for graduate studies. A boy/man helped me move. He brought me coffee in bed this morning.

I lived on west Pearl street, back when it was just us grad students and the homeless. As my human geography PhD candidate roommate observed, grad students and artists are the shock troops of gentrification.

shams said...

Interesting article. For me, parenting in the last year or so has meant learning to let go, let go again, and again. Though I would never expect my kid to give up their bed for me.

Very cool that your daughter is doing well. I was amused when she bought 49 pounds of fabric from while you guys were in Florida. :D

Robin, that's a great link, thanks! I also follow a few style bloggers, and am happy to find out about more that are up my alley.

Colleen G said...

Thanks for the link to the NYT article; been musing on just that for weeks as our son graduates in two weeks. He will be moving around for a few years as he is in the military but I look forward to visiting. Have to catch myself every day as I think of advice and experiences I want to share. Just can't stop myself from "helping" him avoid the mistakes I made. I would be better to concentrate on style instead.