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I am a mother, a grandmother, and a teacher. But whatever happens in my life, I keep sewing. I have worked as a political communicator and now as a teacher in my formal life. I have also written extensively on sewing. I have been a frequent contributor and contributing editor of Threads magazine and the Australian magazine Dressmaking with Stitches. My book Sew.. the garment-making book of knowledge was published in May 2018 and is available for pre-order from Amazon



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Tuesday, June 7, 2011

That crazy man

If you want to make an excellent artisanal pizza with a nice crisp crust and a nice soft top you can do it. In you home oven at the self-clean cycle.

If you are nuts. 

Here is how you do it as it is done at my house:

1. First get all your pizzas ready. If you don't have real pizza sliders (those long lifters they use in real pizza joints) then you can get all your pizzas ready on pieces of cardboard that you have coated with corn meal so nothing sticks. (I of course did none of this but I was only an observer/eater/witness).

2. Get the oven ready. This involves putting in a double layer of Home Depot 16" ceramic tiles in the oven (to replace usual pizza stones because these are large, square and provide superior even heat).

3. Remove two screws from the latch in the door so you can open it to insert the pizzas once the self-cleaning temperature is underway. Decide to not lose these screws (there are more than a few screws loose in this process let me tell you).

4. Turn on oven to self-clean. Wait 45 minutes for it to get all fired up.

5. Cook pizzas one at a time - Average time is 4 minutes each with some variables being 2.5 minutes for the first one and up to 6 minutes for the last one depending on how many times you open the door.

Resident chef suggests you watch your pizzas closely (no kidding) and wear oven mitts at all times.

BTW these pizzas are incredible.


Debbie Cook said...

This is brilliant. I half want to try it and half scared to death.

a little sewing said...

Oh these pizzas look just amazing!
Laughing at the commentary :D

shams said...

This is *unbelievable*. Like Debbie, I'd be scared half to death. How hot does the oven get at that point, do you think?

You have a macho, fearless and clever hubbie. :)

Karin said...

I'd never have the nerve to do it! But, ooooh those pizzas look good!

Bunny said...

Only a guy would think this up. Scares the livin' crap out of me but they sure look good. I have to make sure DH doesn't see me reading this. Oh, have you checked your home and life insurance policies lately?

BeeBee said...

YUM! And I love your DH's shirt, too.

kbenco said...

Crazy good looking pizzas. My crazy husband has spent the last 6 months making an outdoor oven - He fired it up last weekend and it melted the aluminum tray he had left inside.
Scary. I guess the construction was effective.
The pizzas were terrific - although we had to wait for the oven to cool down considerably before we could cook them!