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I am a mother, a grandmother, and a teacher. But whatever happens in my life, I keep sewing. I have worked as a political communicator and now as a teacher in my formal life. I have also written extensively on sewing. I have been a frequent contributor and contributing editor of Threads magazine and the Australian magazine Dressmaking with Stitches. My book Sew.. the garment-making book of knowledge was published in May 2018 and is available for pre-order from Amazon



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Sunday, February 13, 2011

The latest from the completely lost it department

I didn't get any, not any, sewing done this weekend. I did manage to go down into my sewing room and give it a few wish-I-was-here looks, but that was it.

On Friday I am flying down to DC to spend a weekend with my son and on Sunday afternoon going to Knoxville for the week to visit with DH who is still there.

It's my spring break from school and for me to get out of here is an operation not unlike the invasion of Normandy, and that's not an operation that regretfully involves much leisurely sewing.

I now have both household dogs, Mr. Rascal and my son-away-at-school's dog Birdie, on homemade, vet approved food. It started out as a health thing for Mr. R's diet (working great, latest bloodwork was perfect) but I couldn't stand the look in Birdie's eyes when the R man got the great food, and actually since Birdie is the gentleman of the pair, well it was only fair ...

So I have spent pretty much the parts of the weekend I was not marking student papers making and freezing 50 dog meals. I know I never got it together to be this organized or considerate of my children when they were all at home, but then again I never had to pay vet bills for them.

I am also wondering what I am going to be doing when I am in Tennessee. DH and I will be together in DC and the weekend at the end of the visit but he will be working during the week. Since I am flying I won't be taking my machine, but in our last conversation he told me that there are now 13 boxes of fabric I have ordered in his hotel room and that has cheered me right up during my no sew weekend. I have no recollection of what I ordered over the last couple of months, apart from the fact I got some real deals and I needed it.

My plan is to take all my cutting stuff and cut patterns out while I am there, and do some knitting. No interruptions. Won't that be great?

I will have a car so I might go off and see a few sites too, like any fabric stores I can find. Anyone have any suggestions?


ACorgiHouse said...

I'm a couple of hours north of Knoxville, but I haven't gone shopping down there in forever. I'll check around and see if I can come up with anything. Karendee from SG may know of something, she is in Chattanooga I believe.

Anonymous said...

I want to see what's in your 13 boxes. How exciting for you to open them as you can't remember what you ordered.

Debbie Cook said...

"but then again I never had to pay vet bills for them."

Hahahahaha! I love this. :-)

Eugenia said...

13 boxes of fabric! Wow, how exciting - I hope you're going to give us a look at what's inside them all?