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Clothesmaking mavens

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About me

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I am a mother, a grandmother, and a teacher. But whatever happens in my life, I keep sewing. I have worked as a political communicator and now as a teacher in my formal life. I have also written extensively on sewing. I have been a frequent contributor and contributing editor of Threads magazine and the Australian magazine Dressmaking with Stitches. My book Sew.. the garment-making book of knowledge was published in May 2018 and is available for pre-order from Amazon



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Thursday, April 29, 2010

The happy week of a crazy person

Today marks day four of the four weeks I am going to be spending in a hotel suite (as they now call hotel rooms with kitchens, in my youth they were called "housekeeping rooms" and were for people to cheap to eat out - or had a lot of kids) in Knoxville Tennessee while my husband goes back to work. It seems like he going to be here working every other month for the undefined future and at home in Nova Scotia the other months. I am lucky to be able to join him this month and we will then be heading back home for June after which I will stay there and go back to work myself.

Now I realize that to a normal person being in a hotel room in a strange city with a fox terrier with a pulled ligament (which means restricted walks while he heals up - try keeping a fox terrier quiet in a hotel ...) is not everyone's idea of a good time. 

I, however, am a sewer and to me after about two years of working almost straight through with not a lot of time for  my own stuff, this is a gift.

I have a large board room table to sew on. I have a TV across the room and someone else to do the laundry. The kitchen is so small no one expects me to cook. I have no obligations to anyone, child, employer, or student in about 2,000 miles. I can sew all day and take as much time as I want, and as I could only bring some of my stuff, and not my whole sewing room and my  sometimes oppressive stash (I mean my stash is great but I have to shrink it - it is taking on another life of its own and is almost acquiring the personality of another employer), I am making the most of what I have.

I am taking time to fit and to experiment. I am doing things I have been meaning to do forever.

And particularly nice, I was contacted by a fellow sewer from Stitchers Guild who lives here and had read I was in Knoxville and she met me here today, took me out to lunch (side trip to JoAnn's for some notions) and we had a lovely time, so much appreciated. The sewing community is a wonderful thing.

So apart from one terrific lunch out, what, after my four days alone  have I done?

I finished the pair of socks I started in Opal yarn, first one pictured a few posts ago.

I finished three dresses that were cut out over a year ago.

I experimented with a bra pattern and after some disasters have refined a great pattern that fits and made two bras, and cut out four more.

Now I suspect the very nice people here at the hotel must wonder why this woman stays all day in this room. My husband didn't help the cause much when the men he works with asked him whatever was his wife doing all alone all day and he answered "Making bras".

I know that only a crazy person would find this a wonderful way to spend some time off.

Or another sewer.

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